There are 15 repositories under occupancy-grid-map topic.
A ROS package that implements a multi-robot RRT-based map exploration algorithm. It also has the image-based frontier detection that uses image processing to extract frontier points.
Implementation of "A Random Finite Set Approach for Dynamic Occupancy Grid Maps with Real-Time Application"
A virtual simulation platform for autonomous vehicle sensing, mapping, control and behaviour methods using ROS 2 and Gazebo.
Mapping spatiotemporal patterns in an online and continuous fashion
A Python implementation of the A* algorithm in a 2D Occupancy Grid Map
NVIDIA-accelerated global localization
Creating Occupancy Grid Maps using Static State Bayes filter and Bresenham's algorithm for mobile robot (turtlebot3_burger) in ROS.
TensorFlow training pipeline and dataset for prediction of evidential occupancy grid maps from lidar point clouds.
C++11 code for building a 3D occupancy grid an SDF 3D grid from a mesh
Tutorial on Autonomous Vehicles' mapping algorithm with Occupancy Grid Map and Dynamic Grid Map using KITTI Dataset
SLAM with occupancy grid and particle filter, using lidar, joints, IMU and odometry data from THOR humanoid robot
ROS obstacle detection for 3D point clouds using a height map algorithm.
Algorithm that converts point cloud data into an occupancy grid
Predicting Future Occupancy Grids in Dynamic Environment with Spatio-Temporal Learning
[CoRL 2023] SOGMP++/SOGMP: Stochastic Occupancy Grid Map Prediction in Dynamic Scenes
Using a Intel Realsense T265 to build an occupancy grid and autonomously navigate around using move_base
AV Projects with the CARLA simulator
Autonomous Occupancy Probability Mapping Mission Robot Code with Webots and ROS2.
Conversion from mesh (.ply files) to bitmap Occupancy map (.png file)
Development of a virtual simulation platform for autonomous vehicle sensing, mapping, control and behaviour methods using ROS and Gazebo.
Development of a virtual simulation platform for autonomous vehicle sensing, mapping, control and behaviour methods using ROS and Gazebo.
A ROS2 package for occupancy grid mapping with known poses for laser scan data.
Real-time visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping using ORB-SLAM2 for a DJI Tello Drone
Implement D*Lite and A* Algorithm on Processing environment
Occupancy grid mapping based on 2D Lidar data assuming perfect knowledge of a robot's trajectory.
Project: Generating overhead birds-eye-view occupancy grid map with semantic information from lidar and camera data.
This repo is provided to assess the performance of OHM against several other voxel or octree based libraries.
multi-agent moving target pursuit in an unknown 4-connected grid world with persistent coverage planning
This repository hosts MATLAB script for generating occupancy grid map from a monocular camera frame.