There are 0 repository under differential-drive topic.
🤖🐑 It's a sheep, it's a dolly, it's a following robot. Dolly was born to be cloned.
Differential drive mobile robot using ROS.
Path planning and control algorithms for a differential drive robot using ROS2
DIY ROS mobile robot
Autonomous Driving Simulator for the Portuguese Robotics Open
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control tuning using Genetic Algorithms, employed on a trajectory controller for differential drive robot
Adaptive control for skid-steer robots using GP-enhanced MPPI for robust navigation and obstacle avoidance on diverse terrains.
This is a repo containing my work in implementing common swarm robotics algorithms using the Webots simulator.
Code for various mobile robotics projects
A simple differential drive robot that is simulated in Gazebo and visualized in RViz
Autonomous mobile robot using the gmapping, amcl, and move_base ROS packages
ROS2 packages for Parallax Eddie robot along with simulations using Gazebo (formerly ignition gazebo)
Software and firmware stacks for the PropBot autonomous robot
Odometry calculation based on mobile robot motor encoder
Esp32 code for a 2WD robot using ROS
A Python Library for Controlling Differential Drive Robots
Package for implementation of Model Predictive Control in Autonomous Bots
A ROS2 package that takes in wheel rpm data from a differential drive robot und publishes odometry messages.
This repo consists of the code for the implemention of decentralised robot graph exploration algorithm in Gazebo+ROS
A simple differential drive robot project based on Pololu Romi chassis and A-Star 32U4 SV w Raspberry Pi bridge
This package contains the description of differential_drvie robot in Gazebo.
Team 2102's robot code for the 2023 season
The Differential Robot project is a fully autonomous robot designed to navigate around a track, avoid obstacles, and simultaneously map the surroundings. This project was developed as a course project for Autonomous Robotics at Dalhousie University.
Real-time algorithms for following a given path while avoiding initially unknown static obstacles.
Robotics OS based differential robot maneuvering by the help of Computer Vision and Machine Learning Algortihms.
Provides simple functions to control a differential drive robot.
Autonomous Mobile Robot Project
Techno Trojan Training Series - Drivetrain - Differential
A ROS2_Control Hardware Interface for a Roboteq Motor Controller working with differential drive.
A2R3- AI Autonomous Room Rover Robot is an open platform, hardware and software AI robotic base for any other robotic platforms to build upon. With these basic functionalities and creating a learning experience for robotic development in mind using very low cost hardware parts and open source software.
Star Wars Mouse Droid designed to entertain people at a party. Completely 3D printed and the droids software is built on ROS2 Humble.
A two-wheeled robot with a low center of gravity.
Simple and robust real-time navigation for a noisy differential-drive agent with LIDAR in unknown static environment.