DrGFreeman / RasPiBot202V2

A simple differential drive robot project based on Pololu Romi chassis and A-Star 32U4 SV w Raspberry Pi bridge

Repository from Github https://github.comDrGFreeman/RasPiBot202V2Repository from Github https://github.comDrGFreeman/RasPiBot202V2


A simple differential drive robot project based on Pololu Romi chassis and A-Star 32U4 SV w Raspberry Pi bridge

By Julien de la Bruère-Terreault (drgfreeman@tuta.io)

Image of RPB-202 robot


This library is a work in progress and is the second generation of my RasPiBot202 robot. The first generation library, DrGFreeman/RasPiBot202, remains available for reference but will not be developed further.

This new library aims at improving the performance of the control system by transferring more of the low-level, timing sensitive duties such as odometry and motor PID controls from the Raspberry Pi to the A-Star 32U4 microcontroller.



The following Arduino libraries are required by this library:


The following Python libraries are required by this library:


A simple differential drive robot project based on Pololu Romi chassis and A-Star 32U4 SV w Raspberry Pi bridge

License:MIT License


Language:Python 62.9%Language:C++ 37.1%