There are 1 repository under pure-pursuit topic.
Motion planning and Navigation of AGV/AMR:ROS planner plugin implementation of A*, JPS, D*, LPA*, D* Lite, Theta*, RRT, RRT*, RRT-Connect, Informed RRT*, ACO, PSO, Voronoi, PID, LQR, MPC, DWA, APF, Pure Pursuit etc.
Motion planning algorithms commonly used on autonomous vehicles. (path planning + path tracking)
Pure Pursuit Control and SE(2) Planning
1/20 MiniCar: An ackermann based rover for MPC and Pure-Pursuit controller
25 path-tracking algorithms are (goint to be) implemented with python.
🏎 Waypoint and planner tools for ROS 2 with minimal dependencies.
Motion Control of Self-Driving Car for Trajectory Tracking
Our autonomous ground vehicle uses Frontier Based exploration to navigate and map unknown environments. Equipped with sensors, it can avoid obstacles and make real-time decisions. It has potential applications in search and rescue, agriculture, and logistics, and represents an important step forward in autonomous ground vehicle development.
This repo implemented the core technology of the self-driving car, including the basic concepts such as path tracking, path planning, SLAM, etc., and deep learning techniques such as computer vision and reinforcement learning. Finally, we practiced with NVIDIA JetBot in both the simulator and the real world.
The best path editor in VRC for designing skills routes and generating path files.
Package for Path Planning and Tracking created using ROS2, Turtlebot3, A*, and PurePursuit
This is a series of the best pdfs for use with robots and can be applicable to vex robotics autonmoous routines.
Custom simulator with my implementations of EKF-, UKF-, and Pose-Graph-SLAM
Software codes for running the Game-theoretic Utility Tree (GUT) algorithm for the multi-robot Pursuit-Evasion problem in the Robotarium's simulator-hardware multi-robot testbed.
A series of the best papers on control theory and robotic systems (Applicable for both VEX and FRC)
An UGV-system using SoC-FPGA developed for FPGA design competition held on ICFPT2019
2023 KMU Autonomous Driving Contest
Implementation of the pure pursuit algorithm with matplotlib visualization
python-based examples of path following algorithms
VEX V5 Code for 20-21 Season
Autonomous path following (Pure Pursuit/Ramsete) using Quintic Hermite splines and trapezoidal motion profiles.
2D video game guided missile algorithm
✈️ Darbots 2019-2020 SkyStone FTC 4100 Teamcode Repository (With DarbotsFTCLib)
Allows easy creation of Bezier Curves as well as the exportation of periodically distributed points which may be used for pure pursuit tracking algorithms. It is specifically designed to function with Team 578's robot code.
This project utilizes the pure pursuit algorithm for route tracking and the PID algorithm for speed control in a vehicle employing the Ackermann model.
VEX Robotics Team 2654P Pronounce This code.
My Scilab Codes during EE324 (Control Systems Lab) Autumn 2021-22 and EE615 (Control and Computing Lab) Spring 2022-23
Robot controller ROS 2 package