There are 9 repositories under ftc topic.
Develop, test, and tune your EasyOpenCV pipelines directly on your computer with a simple GUI !
🤖 A webapp for accessing data about the FIRST Tech Challenge
FTC Toolbox: All the tools you need for First Tech Challenge!
This is the source code repository for FTC#16379 KookyBotz for the 2022-2023 PowerPlay season.
This is a template repository, used for other teams to copy the Vision Pipeline when detecting the Signal Sleeve in the FIRST Tech Challenge 2022-2023 Game PowerPlay.
Code used by FTC Team #8367 ACME Robotics for the 2017-2018 season
A clean, quick reference for common issues faced in the context of the FIRST Tech Challenge.
Robust CV detector for solid objects in the FTC Game
Bird Brained Swerve Utility for Crabs
♻️ A webapp to sync the Scorekeeper with The Orange Alliance in realtime.
Paths, trajectories, splines, the number 2, and a whole lot of swag.
📱 An app for accessing data about the FIRST Tech Challenge
FTC Library EasyOpenCV simulator for testing vision pipelines in a computer
Cross-platform Robot Simulator based on Webots and designed for the First Tech Challenge by Team 6448
2017-2018 FTC repo. Start with the latest FTC code that is on
🤖 This repository holds our final bot's code for the 2017-18 FTC robotics challenge: Relic Recovery!
FIRST Tech Challenge stream manager script for OBS. Automatically changes scenes when match events are emitted by the scorekeeper, uploads to YouTube with match info from FTCLive, and adds the video to the match in The Orange Alliance
A VS Code extension for accessing FTC snippets, debugger, and Android cmdline tools from a button
The BoogeyBots' code for the robots
Welcome to the EHS robotics club's GitHub repository, this will also be used as our primary community center and means of communication. Also be sure to join our remind for on the go updates @EHSFTC21
🤖 FTC Team 16626’s code for the Skystone Challenge (2019-2020)
Includes simple examples and complex motion profiling examples. Motion profiling is an advanced drive algorithm.
Records gamepad values to automatically create an autonomous opmode for FTC robots
A network tables port for the FTC robotics competition using WPI's ntcore
An FTC robot framework designed for both experienced, and inexperienced coders to be able to code highly functional and reliable robots
This is the code of the AutoVortex team used at the awarded robot of the season 20-21