There are 14 repositories under loam topic.
LeGO-LOAM: Lightweight and Ground-Optimized Lidar Odometry and Mapping on Variable Terrain
Laser Odometry and Mapping (Loam) is a realtime method for state estimation and mapping using a 3D lidar.
A robust LiDAR Odometry and Mapping (LOAM) package for Livox-LiDAR
Fast LOAM: Fast and Optimized Lidar Odometry And Mapping for indoor/outdoor localization IROS 2021
loam code noted in Chinese(loam中文注解版)
Intensity Scan Context based full SLAM implementation for autonomous driving. ICRA 2020
CMU 16-833 "Robot Localization and Mapping" Course Project
SLAM package using NDT registration library of Autoware with loop-closure detection (odometry based) referenced from lego_loam.
Easy description to run and evaluate Lego-LOAM with KITTI-data
A CUDA reimplementation of the line/plane odometry of LIO-SAM. A point cloud hash map (inspired by iVox of Faster-LIO) on GPU is used to accelerate 5-neighbour KNN search.
This dataset is captured using a Velodyne VLP-16, which is mounted on an UGV - Clearpath Jackal, on Stevens Institute of Technology campus
LIO-SAM-6AXIS with intensity image loop optimization
Bag files captured using a Clearpath Jackal Robot, which is equipped with a Velodyne VLP-16 and low-end IMU sensor. The published point cloud topic is \velodyne_points. The published IMU data topic is \imu\data.
Easy description to run and evaluate A-LOAM with KITTI-data
LIDAR(Livox Horizon) point cloud preprocessing, including point cloud filtering and point cloud feature extraction (edge points and planar points)
Rust+Python driver for the Delta2 LiDAR, manufactured by 3irobotix
A re-implementation of A-LOAM with more modularized design and clearer logic
Laser Odometry and Mapping (Loam) is a realtime method for state estimation and mapping using a 3D lidar.
SSL_SLAM2: Lightweight 3-D Localization and Mapping for Solid-State LiDAR (mapping and localization separated) ICRA 2021. Ported to ROS2 Humble
Laser Odometry and Mapping (Loam) is a realtime method for state estimation and mapping using a 3D lidar.