There are 9 repositories under altera-fpga topic.
Open-source Logic Analyzer gateware for various FPGA dev boards/replacement gateware for commercially available logic analyzers.
Affordable 2 GHz 3.2 GS/s 12 bit open-source open-hardware expandable USB oscilloscope
Verilog code to replace the Commodore SDMAC found in the A3000
SoCFPGA: Mapping HPS Peripherals, like I²C or CAN, over the FPGA fabric to FPGA I/O and using embedded Linux to control them (Intel Cyclone V)
VHDL implementation of a 1 Hz single cycle CPU that supports recursive function calls
This project aims to boot Linux on a RocektChip based SoC, synthesised on the DE10-Nano board. Computer Science Bachelor's Thesis at UAB, Spain.
Graph Processing Framework that supports || OpenMP || CAPI
FPGA implementation of the popular logic game using VHDL and Altera DE1
A basic implementation of the RISCV core into a DE10nano FPGA board.
An 8-bit processor in VHDL based on a simple instruction set
Hardware description of a complete Ballot Box made in Verilog with implementation in FPGA-Altera-DE-2-155, made in Verilog with Quartus Prime in discipline ISL for computer science graduation.
This repository contains numerous projects that were successfully implemented on an Altera Cyclone IV FPGA.
Thesis covers research on digital signal processing with software defined radio techniques applied in FPGA environment. It is written entirely in Polish language, except english abstract
This repo is the lab materials for NTUEE DCLAB (
Implementation of an Edge Detection Filter Using the Avalon Interface
Controle de motor DC + Sensores fim de curso implementado em VHDL para o kit DE0-CV utilizado na matéria de Elementos de sistemas do 3 semestre de Engenharia da computação do Insper.
⎔ Using the program ModelSim-Altera, to execute a Synchronous Counter with Asynchronous and Synchronous Reset project by implementing a 2 Bit, 4 Bit, 6 Bit, and 11 Bit for counters by using VHDL code.
FPGA based Logic analyzer designed then FPGA implemented on ALTERA cyclone IV FPGA
Altera Quartus project for Altera Cyclone III FPGA boards which uses one manager board and two worker boards to sort an array of numbers in parallel.
Transfers data from an ADC to a PC via ethernet
Laboratório de Arquitetura de Sistemas Digitais, ministrado pelo professor Rafael Bezerra Correia Lima. Foram desenvolvidos 8 requisitos de hardware, 1 requisito de software e 1 projeto de disciplina que totalizam 10 Sprints. A arquitetura de sistemas implementada é baseada em MIPS 8 bits, e desenvolvidos e testados na FGPA Ciclone II EP2C35F672C6
📌 The idea of this project is to build a system that uses the existing lights to detect the location of a user within an indoor environment. For this, we can use Visible Light Communication (VLC) technology. The basic concept is to have four LEDs transmitting their IDs one after the other at fixed intervals.
A simple sram controller and test for the altera DE1 FPGA board
Integrated and programmed a VGA Interface using the Altera DE1 to output in synchronization with a custom programmed finite-state machine.
Verilog RISC Processor Design
This repository showcases a Verilog-based Snake and Apple Game, developed for the ECL 106: Digital System Design with HDL course. Running on an Altera DE10-Lite FPGA board and displayed on a VGA monitor, players control a snake to collect apples while avoiding obstacles. The snake grows longer with each apple, making the game progressively harder.
Processador nano-Risc, controlaor de display, e muito mais...
Hardware Praktikum at Uni Freiburg
Flappy Bird on FPGA using VHDL
DS1302 Real-time Clock (RTC) Module Interfacing with Terasic DE-10 Standard FPGA
UART Receiver and Transmitter using Terasic DE-10 Standard FPGA
ReLM is the soft-core multiprocessor technology based on the unique memory architecture, enabling users to build a high-performance microcontroller on a relatively small FPGA board.