There are 0 repository under ds1302 topic.
STC DIY Clock redux (STC15F204EA, STC15W404AS, STC15W408AS)
Replacement firmware for STC 8051 based DIY LED clock kits
DS1302 RTC Clock driver for Micropython
A Python module to deal with DS1302 RTC chip on Raspberry Pi
Erriez 3-wire DS1302 Real Time Clock library for Arduino
Python module for using DS1302 Real Time Clock unit with Raspberry Pi
Real-Time Clock (RTC) library for Arduino
A ds1302 component for esphome. This is a drop-in replacement of ds1307
Arduino Real Time Alarm Clock with Temperature and LED lights. Remote controlled
📟 Home of my electronic projects and anything electronics related
This is microprocessor control system of the incubator.
Library to handle the DS1302 RTC with the MCU MSP430FR4133.
DS1302 Real-time Clock (RTC) Module Interfacing with Terasic DE-10 Standard FPGA
Easy to use library to use DS1302 RTC module written for STM32CubeHAL
DS1302 RTC with SoftTimer, OLED, and 2 Button Time/Date Setting Menu
A digital clock with three buttons: A, B and T. Based on ATtiny13a, DS1302 and 74HC595.
DS1302 Real-time Clock (RTC) module Interfacing with Microchip ATmega328P Microcontroller
DS18B20 Temperature Sensor, NODEMCU ver 0.9 ESP8266 WIFI with DS1302 RTC and CATALEX SD card adapter
Wall-mounted watch on 4 pcs. of MAX7219 8x8 dot LED matrix and ESP8266 module with RTC module DS1302
⏰ This project intended to create a digital clock using the PIC16F877a from Assembly. The design uses MAX6972 for driving a display and DS1302 to get the real-time clock. Three MAX6972s drive 12 5x7 dot-matrix displays. All code is written in Assembly to get an understanding of the PIC assembly.
Recopilación de algunos ejercicios que he realizado usando arduino
A basic clock with temperature, humidity and date/hour (rtc) with a (wip) programming mode running on arduino.