There are 0 repository under ds1302 topic.
Arduino Library for RTCs, Ds1302, Ds1307, Ds3231, Ds3232, Ds3234 and Pcf8563/BM8563 with deep support. Please refer to the Wiki for more details. Please use the Github Discussions to ask questions as the GitHub Issues feature is used for bug tracking.
STC DIY Clock redux (STC15F204EA, STC15W404AS, STC15W408AS)
Replacement firmware for STC 8051 based DIY LED clock kits
DS1302 RTC Clock driver for Micropython
A Python module to deal with DS1302 RTC chip on Raspberry Pi
Erriez 3-wire DS1302 Real Time Clock library for Arduino
Python module for using DS1302 Real Time Clock unit with Raspberry Pi
Real-Time Clock (RTC) library for Arduino
A ds1302 component for esphome. This is a drop-in replacement of ds1307
Arduino Real Time Alarm Clock with Temperature and LED lights. Remote controlled
📟 Home of my electronic projects and anything electronics related
This is microprocessor control system of the incubator.
Library to handle the DS1302 RTC with the MCU MSP430FR4133.
DS1302 Real-time Clock (RTC) Module Interfacing with Terasic DE-10 Standard FPGA
Easy to use library to use DS1302 RTC module written for STM32CubeHAL
DS1302 RTC with SoftTimer, OLED, and 2 Button Time/Date Setting Menu
A digital clock with three buttons: A, B and T. Based on ATtiny13a, DS1302 and 74HC595.
DS1302 Real-time Clock (RTC) module Interfacing with Microchip ATmega328P Microcontroller
DS18B20 Temperature Sensor, NODEMCU ver 0.9 ESP8266 WIFI with DS1302 RTC and CATALEX SD card adapter
Wall-mounted watch on 4 pcs. of MAX7219 8x8 dot LED matrix and ESP8266 module with RTC module DS1302
⏰ This project intended to create a digital clock using the PIC16F877a from Assembly. The design uses MAX6972 for driving a display and DS1302 to get the real-time clock. Three MAX6972s drive 12 5x7 dot-matrix displays. All code is written in Assembly to get an understanding of the PIC assembly.
Recopilación de algunos ejercicios que he realizado usando arduino
A basic clock with temperature, humidity and date/hour (rtc) with a (wip) programming mode running on arduino.