There are 2 repositories under dcf77 topic.
Wifi & BLE driven passenger flow metering with cheap ESP32 boards
Running a vintage secondary clock, using DCF77 or WWVB and Raspberry Pi Pico. Also a version that does not use Radio and uses a Pico W.
Efficient and complete DCF77 library for Arduino
A multiband time signal radio transmitter for Raspberry Pi
DCFake77 is an emulator for the DCF77 LF time synchronization signal.
⏰ An ESP32 TFT interpretation of the @deruiter's DCF77-Analyzer-Clock-V2.0
Gnuradio module for a DCF77 time signal transmitter
DCF77 time signal GNURadio receiver for SDRs incl. live decoder and transmitter simulation. It covers both OOK and phase modulation.
A high-quality sensor unit for use with Fine Offset weather stations
Basic implementation of a DCF77 receiver (hat) for the M5StickCPlus ESP32 board
DCF77 transmitter for Raspberry Pi Pico W
A digital clock based on STM32F405 MCU
Synchronize most radio-controlled ("atomic") clocks and watches using almost any phone or tablet
Thesis covers research on digital signal processing with software defined radio techniques applied in FPGA environment. It is written entirely in Polish language, except english abstract
A radio controlled digital wall clock
ESP8266-based NTP to DCF77 transmitter, ready to use with detailed instructions manual
DCF77 Receiver with USB interface in written in SystemVerilog
Alarmclock based upon a Arduino Uno with an 3.5 inch (320x480) TFT shield.
Reproduction of the DeLorean's time display from the famous movie Back to the Future
Micropython module to receive and decode the DCF77 time telegram.
This Arduino code decodes the DCF77 signal without the use of interrupts.
Meister Hora (MstHora) - a sophisticated and versatile digital clock designed for tech enthusiasts and DIY hobbyists
ESP NTP Clock Encoder Injeckting / Transmitting DCF77 (Bye pin or external AM Transmitter).
DCF77 Transmitter for Tasmota using PWM
The Word Clock, powered by Arduino and a cheap DCF77 receiver module.
Arduino implementation of a DCF77 radio-controlled Nixie tube clock
Computer Architecture 1 at University of Esslingen
DIY ATmega328P/Arduino IDE based clock without a display that speaks the current time acoustically when a motion is detected by a PIR sensor
DCF77 RTC Clock
Using one ATmega328P with 16 MHz crystal for sending / modulating DCF77
A program that decodes radio signal from DCF77 station