Asanka Akash Sovis (asankaSovis)


Geek Repo

Company:Sri Lanka Technological Campus

Location:Negombo, Sri Lanka



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Asanka Akash Sovis's repositories


🖥️ A Beowulf cluster is a type of High-Performance Computing (HPC) cluster that is designed to perform parallel computations on large data sets or complex computational problems. This tutorial explains how to setup and run your first Beowulf cluster.



Perlin Noise is a form of gradient noise used extensively in visual applications. Developed by Ken Perlin in 1983, the Perlin Noise algorithm creates randomness with a structure. Perlin Noise was initially used in the 1982 movie 'Tron' to generate natural appearing textures on computer-generated surfaces in the animation sequences. In modern days, it is used from simple art generation to terrain generation in video games.



Wave Function Collapse is a concept in Quantum Mechanics that states that a wave function reduces to a single eigenstate due to interaction with the external world. Simply speaking, the number of possibilities reduces with the introduction of new information. I got the inspiration for this from a Coding Adventure The Coding Train did recently.



📡 This project was intended to develop a bidirectional transmitter and reciever device that uses Visible Light Communication (VLC) technology to transmit and recieve data from one device to another. In its basic form, data is transmitted as pulses of light where on means bit 1 and off means bit 0.



🎛️ FPGAs are an interesting invention that is expected to revolutionize the digital industry. This series will focus on building the 8-bit computer that Ben Eater built on his youtube channel. However, it will be done not with actual chips and hardware, but with Verilog code and FPGA simulations.



🚘 Metroparking is a next level smart parking system that automates the process of reserving, paying and managing parking services in urban parking providers. It is an IoT based project that uses electronics, autonomous and cloud technologies to create a fully automated system to handle parking.



🔐 Muragala is a password manager designed to make managing passwords easy and secure. My goal is to make it a secure and reliable password manager available in the public domain for everyone to use. Privacy and security is for everyone, this is the core value behind this project.



🔐 Muragala is a password manager designed to make managing passwords easy and secure. My goal is to make it a secure and reliable password manager available in the public domain for everyone to use. Privacy and security is for everyone, this is the core value behind this project.



📌 The idea of this project is to build a system that uses the existing lights to detect the location of a user within an indoor environment. For this, we can use Visible Light Communication (VLC) technology. The basic concept is to have four LEDs transmitting their IDs one after the other at fixed intervals.



🔥 The control software is a piece of software that is written so that the user can interface with the device. It connects to the device, displays data and statuses, allows the user to change settings and also view historical data for devices. The control software supports multiple devices to be operated at the same time. It is written in C# and is currently only available for Microsoft® Windows™. This program uses Windows APIs to connect to the COM ports of the computer to identify Prometheus devices connected.



🔥 Prometheus Fire Alarm System is a fire alarm system and an extinguishing system that allows real time monitoring via software. It can perform smart extinguishing on site while providing connectivity to multiple devices at the same time via the control panel.



I created a Phyllotaxis pattern in this code. In nature, we see a variety of intricate patterns. Phyllotaxy is the arrangement of leaves on a plant stem. This arrangement also follows an intricate yet simple pattern. Examples of these patterns appear in sunflowers, cacti, etc. In this small demonstration, I apply two equations to circles to create an example of these Phyllotaxis patterns. This is based on the equations mentioned in the Algorithmic Botany book, Chapter 04.



Piet Mondrian is a Dutch artist who is regarded as one of the greatest artists of the 20th century. Mondrian Tiles come from some of the paintings he did and consist of colourful tiles arranged in a pattern. In this article, we will try to recreate these patterns using an algorithm.



The Mandelbrot Set is the set of complex numbers C for which a certain function does not diverge to infinity when iterated from z = 0 . The resulting visual pattern is intricate and will remain unchanged even when you zoom in. Additionally, there exist a modified version called the Julia Set.



🎨 Floyd-Steinberg Dithering is not just a fancy art style; it also has practical applications in the real world. Introduced by Robert W. Floyd and Louis Steinberg in 1976, as the name implies, dithers the image. This is practically helpful in manipulating images. More colours can be created with a smaller colour palette.



🖥️ Shaders are an integral aspect of current graphics programming and play an important role in computer graphics. They are specialized applications that alter and control the rendering of pictures, movies, and visual effects using graphics processing units (GPUs).



A monotone line-based icon pack for android



👋 This is my Github Profile page. 🤔 Knowing how to code makes you look at the world from a different perspective 🌏. That's why I'm so passionate about coding. Hello World 👋; welcome to my Github profile. I'm still a student and am 23 years of age, so there's a long journey ahead of me 🙆. I like to dream 💬 big and to see other peoples dreams come true. I'm a tech nerd 🐱‍💻 and a coding enthusiast. Hope you might find me amusing.🤩


📩 BitStreamer is a data streaming software developed for communication engineers to send a bit stream from one COM port and check how many bits can be recieved back from another COM port. Here, the bitstream from the first COM port can be sent through a communication medium to check the efficiency of communication medium.



🎛️ The FPGA Resource Centre is built as an opensource hub to share HDL modules that perform common digital functions. It allows easy access to FPGA resources to engineers of all levels from students to experienced developers.



Icon Pack for Android Devices



🔐 Muragala is a password manager designed to make managing passwords easy and secure. My goal is to make it a secure and reliable password manager available in the public domain for everyone to use. Privacy and security is for everyone, this is the core value behind this project.



📚 Building a database of Sinhala definitions for an English dictionary using crowd sourcing. Anyone can create an account using their email. They can later add words to the dictionary, add definitions to the existing words, vote for the best definition from currently existing definitions that others have added.



🤖 Project Bionics intends to build a bio inspired robot that can mimic the nature. The design, based on the 3D models shared by KILIC on PCBWay, can mimic the movement of a spider by using servos. The complete system is controlled by a NodeMCU and is powered by Li-ion battery which makes it portable.



📒 Stick It is a basic note organizing app that can be used to store and pin notes to the screen. Simillar to the Microsoft Sticky notes, this can be used to write simple notes quickly and easily.



🔥 Prometheus Fire Alarm System is a fire alarm system and an extinguishing system that allows real-time monitoring via software. It can perform smart extinguishing on-site while simultaneously providing connectivity to multiple devices via the control panel.


🕸️ This repo holds the source code of my personal website. The template used is originally uploaded by DevCRUD to You are free to copy this source and use it for your own personal website.



🐲 Ghidra Installer is a third-party installer meant to easily set up Ghidra on Linux systems. It is currently written to install Ghidra v11.0.3 and Java Development Kit 22. It will install and set up the dash launcher for easy launching of the program. On top of this, it also supports the uninstalling of an existing Ghidra installation.



A guide to contributing to open source



⏰ This project intended to create a digital clock using the PIC16F877a from Assembly. The design uses MAX6972 for driving a display and DS1302 to get the real-time clock. Three MAX6972s drive 12 5x7 dot-matrix displays. All code is written in Assembly to get an understanding of the PIC assembly.
