There are 0 repository under adder topic.
Telegram Members Adding Software/Script Using Termux.
Using this tool you can easily add so many members from any group to your group. Less than 2 minutes. Super easy. Time saver. But this tool is only for educational purpose. You could be banned from Telegram. So be careful. Recommanded to use this tool only on Termux.
Scraper and adder for Telegram supporting multiple accounts at the same time. Adds via Telegram API and only by username. For adding via ID and not needing Telgram API contact me.
Implementation of a simple SIMD processor in Verilog, core of which is a 16-bit SIMD ALU. 2's compliment calculations are implemented in this ALU. The ALU operation will take two clocks. The first clock cycle will be used to load values into the registers. The second will be for performing the operations. 6-bit opcodes are used to select the functions. The instruction code, including the opcode, will be 18-bit.
Create fast and efficient standard cell based adders, multipliers and multiply-adders.
This repository contains source code for past labs and projects involving FPGA and Verilog based designs
HackerRank Certification Question
16-bit Adder Multiplier hardware on Digilent Basys 3
Implementing Different Adder Structures in Verilog
Telegram Group Parser/Scraper and user Adder via id or username with proxy support
This script generates and analyzes prefix tree adders.
Verilog for ASIC Design
Posit Arithmetic Cores generated with FloPoCo
Using this tool you can easily add so many members from any group to your group. Less than 2 minutes. Super easy. Time saver. But this tool is only for educational purpose. You could be banned from Telegram. So be careful. Recommanded to use this tool only on Termux.
Computer Architecture -VLSI -Verilog Codes-Xilinx-Irsim
Instrumenting adders to measure speed
Performed a comparative study of Parallel Prefix Adders using Verilog HDL on Zynq-7000 APSoC (PL) from XIlinx. Circuits are simulated, synthesized and implemented using Vivado Design Suite.
Materials for the Computer Science course, Digital Design (Logic Circuits)
⚠️ MOVED: ⚠️ Add different tools to your new or existing svelte / svelte-kit project
Models to estimate the hardware cost of FPGA based implementations of CNNs
Carry Cut-Back Adder (CCBA) - An approximate adder circuit with artificially-built false timing paths
DIY Domaining Challenge Custom Domain Marketplace
Verilog Codes for various digital circuits for labs at IIT Ropar, basic gates, adders & subtractors (half & full), ripple adders, multipliers and code converters.
Design challenge for the 50.002 module for the fastest 2-SAT solver and the best performance-area ratio for a 32-bit adder.
Complex Adder with Seven Segment Display
This is the VHDL code for a floating point adder
Lenovo A5000 (adder) - mt6582 - device tree
Lenovo A5000 (adder) - mt6582 - vendor files
All the fundamental generic verilog modules in one repository. These are fundamentals by my standard, so feel free to suggest more.
In computer engineering, computer architecture is a set of rules and methods that describe the functionality, organization, and implementation of computer systems.
Digital System Design Lab Codes using Verilog