There are 14 repositories under robot-framework topic.
taskt (pronounced 'tasked' and formely sharpRPA) is free and open-source robotic process automation (rpa) built in C# powered by the .NET Framework
A unified framework for robot learning
Robot Framework keyword library wrapper for requests
This repository contains exercise files of the book "Mastering ROS for Robotics Programming"
A curated list of awesome Robot Framework resources and libraries
Robot Framework in Docker
Open Source Java Framework for Robotics and Creative Machine Control
Write your robot software in minutes.
Custom HTML report (dashboard view) by parsing robotframework output.xml file
Dataflow system for building self-driving car and robotics applications.
Extended Robot Framework libraries to make testing GUI, REST/SOAP API, Mobile, and Windows Desktop easier.
Robot Framework plugin for Sublime Text3
Sample test scripts and applications for Bitbar Cloud
:chart_with_upwards_trend: :robot: Imagine um programa de computador que, observando a movimentação dos preços de um ativo ao longo do tempo, é capaz de, sozinho, sem interferência humana, determinar a hora de comprá-lo ou vendê-lo.
Some vim scripts for use with the Robot framework.
RLAfford: End-to-End Affordance Learning for Robotic Manipulation, ICRA 2023
⚙️ Browser DevTools extension for modelling web pages for automation.
DJI RoboMaster Python SDK and programing framework | 大疆机甲大师的Python SDK和编程框架
Cross-platform Robot Framework library for GUI automation based on image recognition
Lightweight keyword library for implementing the PageObject pattern in Robot Framework
A portable network CI demo with Gitlab, Ansible, cEOS, Robot Framework and Batfish
please update from this place
2019 DGIST DPoom project under UGRP : SBC and RGB-D camera based full autonomous driving system for mobile robot with indoor SLAM
Robot framework Extension for Network Automated Testing
AnywhereLibrary is a cross platform(desktop browser,Android,iOS) testing library for Robot Framework that leverages the [Selenium 2(WebDriver)] libraries internally to control a web browser and [appium] as mobile test automation framework for use with native and hybrid app.
Robot Framework integration for Report Portal
Windows user interface automation library for Robot-Framework. FlaUILibrary is a wrapper for the FlaUI automation library.
Robotics Guide