There are 4 repositories under raspberry-pi-library topic.
A Python module for accessing the MPU-6050 digital accelerometer and gyroscope on a Raspberry Pi.
Python library for Explorer HAT
Python library and examples for the Pimoroni Automation HAT, pHAT and HAT Mini
Python library for the Pimoroni PanTilt servo and lighting HAT
Library and examples for Scroll pHAT. 11x5 LEDs of goodness!
[NW.js port for Raspberry Pi] binary compiled for the ARMv6 used in Raspberry Pi (compatible with RPi 2 and RPi 3)
ADXL345 three-axis accelerometer reader (SPI interface)
A library for using the MPU6050 accelerometer and gyroscope module with Raspberry Pi to get both raw values and filtered angles on all axes
OpenSCAD library of various objects to use in Raspberry Pi-based projects
A kernel module able to run as many WS2812 strips as there are GPIO pins on Raspberry Pi Zero
samples codes for interfacing RaspberryPi with hardware modules by Elementz
☁️ Raspberry PI Weather Station
Sense HAT for the Raspberry Pi C/C++ API
Raspberry Pi library for GPIO, 1-Wire, SPI, System Time Counter (STC) access. There have been provided APIs for handling various popular devices.
Raspberry Pi SSD1963 TFT Display driver with OpenGL ES (via EGL) support including MSAA
C# library and examples for selected hardware components on Windows 10 IoT Core, including the Pimoroni Drum HAT, Piano HAT, and Automation HAT.
Raspberry Pi Sense HAT LED matrix driver
A Python module to handle the I2C communication between a Raspberry Pi and an i2c backpack for a 16x2 char LCD.
Common Python library for Microchip capacitive touch ICs used in Explorer HAT, Piano HAT, Dot4K etc
Raspberry Pi Projects for Educational Purpose Only. Copyleft.
Accurate and DMA-timed playing of tones through piezo buzzer (or speaker) using Raspberry Pi GPIO pins.
PC Emulation for Adafruit_Python_CharLCD
simple Raspberry Pi MMAL demo project
Energenie Pi-mote ruby api for Raspberry Pi
Read from an adc0832 on the Raspberry Pi using wiringPi
Using Raspberry Pi Model 3B