There are 0 repository under bcftools topic.
Learning the Variant Call Format
Here we are going to discuss variant calling on human datasets using GATK Best practices pipeline
Analysis pipeline for processing paired-end Illumina reads obtained after ancient mtDNA target enrichment capture.
Reusable and maintained Luigi tasks to incorporate in bioinformatics pipelines
A Nextflow variant normalization pipeline based on vt and bcftools
VariantCaller is a wrapper for the 2022 gatk & bcftools best practices + phasing with WhatsHap.
A collection of scripts for filtering annotated variant call format files
Scripts used on a cluster that demonstrate vcf file manipulation and preparation.
Repository for Docker image astrabert/silly-gat-kay info and changelog
This script filters false positive alleles from poolseq VCF file created with bcftools.
The goal of this project is to create a R package and executable scripts to visualize variants in Variant Call Format (VCF) files and Bcftools processed tab-delimited files.
The main aim of this little project is to compare the European allele frequencies of the 1k genomes project with the gnomad frequencies.
This directory contains material that I've used in different courses
This repository contains code related to a conservation genomics project focused on the king rail, a threatened marsh bird.
convert genotype array output into annotated IBD segments
Repository for scripts used to estimate guppy (Poecilia reticulata) mutation rate.
Merge in parallel, speeding up bcftools merge
bcftools singularity container
A streamlined pipeline for germline variant calling on chromosome 11 using GATK. This repository includes workflows for data preprocessing, variant discovery, and annotation, with a focus on understanding genetic variations linked to disease-associated genes.
a tool for quickly getting the correct bcftools command
Code final year dynamic genome visualizer project.
Convert genomic coordinates from the Human Genome version 19 (hg19) to version 38 (hg38)
:microscope: Влияние меди на антибиотикорезистентность у синегнойной палочки
1,674 S.cerevisiae genomics data
Nextflow resequencing pipeline with bwa-mem and freebayes
Codes i wrote for the paper "genomic resources for Mediterranean fishes"
This repository outlines steps to manage VCF files, including compressing, indexing, querying chromosomes, counting variants, and comparing multiple VCF files using BCFTools.