There are 0 repository under crazyflie-drone topic.
CrazyS is an extension of the ROS package RotorS, aimed to modeling, developing and integrating the Crazyflie 2.0
Multiple robots layered path planning algorithm implemented as a ROS node to control a swarm of nano quadrotors, Crazyflies 2.X, with real-time obstacle avoidance.
Motion planning and environment exploration with Bitcraze Crazyflie drones.
The ultimate node.js library for controlling Bitcraze Crazyflie 2.0 drones
Resources for integrating Bitcraze Crazyflie projects with Qualisys motion capture systems
Vortex vector field for collision avoidance in drone swarm formation control
Real-time object tracking computer vision algorithm for CrazyFlie 2.x deployment
modded crazyflie firmware for GCER 2016. Modified client for debugging: ground software:
Simulator, RL-algorithm and firmware for the sim-to-real transfer of drone control policies
The 2022 Gamma Team Integrated Swarm System Demo Repository
Human-drone interaction project: small quadrotors landing on human arms
A dataset for assessing the impact of structural defects on nano-quadcopter performance (Crazyflie 2.1)
Bitcraze Crazyflie 2.0/2.1 firmware utilizing ARM Mbed OS
Carrier board for Bitcraze Crazyflie decks
CrazyGame Arduino code - For joystick and led strips
This repository is part of my class project (Aerial Robotics - EEL 6606) at Intelligent Systems and Robotics department in UWF.
Designing a sliding mode controller for robust trajectory tracking of a quadrotor.
A collection of tools and scripts I've written for the crazyflie drones & their expansion decks.
Monocular Depth Estimation for CrazyFlie UAV with ROS2
Flight tests of the algorithm based on the Artificial Potential Field (APF) for the circular motion of the nano quadcopter (Crazyflie 2.1) formation
Flight tests of the path following vector field method on the formation of Crazyflie 2.1 nano quadcopters
Repo for the CrazyFlie 2.0 Drone. Fly using JavaScript, as well as incorporating control through the Leap Motion via the JavaScript robotics framework, Cylonjs.