There are 2 repositories under biological-networks topic.
OntoMerger is an ontology alignment library for deduplicating knowledge graph nodes that represent the same domain.
The CoLoMoTo Interactive Notebook: Accessible and Reproducible Computational Analyses for Qualitative Biological Networks
Molecular interactions inference from single-cell multi-omics data
Explore biomolecular pathways in Reactome from the command-line or a Python script
A network based gene classification library to generate genome wide predictions about genes that are functionally similar to the input gene list.
MGN-Net: A novel Graph Neural Network for integrating heterogenous graph population derived from multiple sources.
This repository includes Matlab codes/routines that were used in our manuscript entitled "Importance sampling for a robust and efficient multilevel Monte Carlo estimator for stochastic reaction networks" that can be found in this preprint:
R Package: Steiner tree approach for graph analysis
Visualisation and Analysis of Networks conTaining Experimental Data
Evolution of protein interactomes across the tree of life
3D Spiking neural network simulation exploring Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP)
PathwayMatcher is a free, open-source software to search for pathways related to a list of proteins in Reactome. This repository is the development repository. For the latest version see:
Mutual Interactors: A graph-based machine learning model with applications in molecular phenotype prediction
Modeling and simulation of biological networks using automatic transformation to Petri nets (HFPN / xHPN)
MCRM: Mother Compact Recurrent Memory
In silico therapeutic target discovery using network attractors: avoiding pathological phenotypes
Awesome list of research publications and media on biologically-motivated learning algorithms.
PyTorch Implementation of Biological Network Embedding.
Step into the future.
Prospecting Optimal Pathways with PYthon: Tools for creating and exploring metabolic reaction networks.
R package for de novo pathway enrichment using KeyPathwayMiner
Context-sensitive creation of kinetic equations in biochemical networks
GitHub Repository associated with the piQTL project (Mapping effects of genome-wide genetic variation to protein-protein interactions reveals molecular mechanisms of complex traits) [ Serohijos & Michnick Lab, Université de Montréal ]
Here, I include my thoughts about how does the brain of the worm give rise to remarkable behavioral plasticities
Finding paths of interest in networks
Julia implementation of Hierarchical HotNet method
Converting KGML encoded KEGG pathways to the SIF file format
Converting SBGN encoded pathways to the SIF file format
Identifying frequent patterns in graphs
The BioNE is a new pipeline that integrates embedding results from different graph embedding methods, providing a more comprehensive knowledge of the network and therefore better performance on prediction tasks.
bioNuSMV is a fork and extension of, which adds a handful of features to ease the use of model checking by biological modelers, in particular, in the context of the verification of qualitative regulatory networks
PathwaySpace is an R package that creates landscape images from graphs containing vertices (nodes), edges (lines), and a signal associated with the vertices.