There are 2 repositories under kegg topic.
:bar_chart: A universal enrichment tool for interpreting omics data
Access to Biological Web Services from Python.
Data toolkits for processing NMR, MALDI MSI, MALDI single cell, Raman Spectroscopy, LC-MS and GC-MS raw data, chemoinformatics data analysis and data visualization.
PETAL (ParallEl paThways AnaLyzer): a Python tool for deep biological pathway analysis
KEGG Module Evaluation Tool
An interactive radial tree for functional hierarchies and omics data visualization
GeneSCF moved to a dedicated GitHub page,
A parallel API crawler for the retrieval of Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes metabolic and genomics data.
A Java-based software for visualizing and translating the KEGG PATHWAY database. Conversion of KGML files into BioPAX, SBML, GraphML, GML, and various other formats.
A web-based application to perform Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) using clusterProfiler and shiny R libraries
Repository for R package MetQy (read related publication here:
Utilizing graphical neural networks and embeddings on a medical database KEGG to perform link predictions and drug similarity systems.
Library for KEGG pathway enrichment analysis
A web-based application to perform Over-Representation Analysis (ORA) using clusterProfiler and shiny R libraries
A comprehensive gene set function enrichment tool for multiple species.
Research compendium for Viscardi et al, 2020.
Comprehensive KEGG Data Retrieval Using Multiple Sources
metabolomicsDB is a collection of three open-source command-line tools and an API. The tools create a meta-database of HMDB and ChEBI, while the API allows others to read the meta-database and use it on their own projects.
Analysis of RNA-seq data using DESeq2
GCModeller Individual Components: GCModeller base core assembly library on common biological database read and write I/O
Drawing chemical compound structures and glycan structures with capabilities to search against the KEGG databases
Companion repository to the article: "Comparative whole-genome approach to identify bacterial traits for microbial interactions"
A command-line interface and biochemical pathway finder based on KEGG
Deposited R scripts allow to execute a complete RNA-seq Pipeline, starting from sequence reads (FASTQ files) to mapping/annotate the genome using a reference, to counts the number of reads for every gene. when raw counts are obtained, DESeq2 module permits to find differentially expressed genes (DEG) and to perform statistical analysis. The last module of the project allows you to use clusterprofiler in order to perform ORA and GSEA analysis (over-representation analysis and gene set enrichment analysis) using GeneOntology (GO), disease ontology (DO), KEGG, reactome eg...
An HTML parser for "KEGG Mapper – Reconstruct Result" pages
The unified functional prediction and comparative analysis for 16S rRNA gene sequencing data