There are 1 repository under multigraph topic.
Graph Classification with Graph Convolutional Networks in PyTorch (NeurIPS 2018 Workshop)
Tsetlin Machine for Logical Learning and Reasoning With Graphs
A simple python package for graph theory that supports multi-edges, hyper-edges, looped-edges and every other combination of these.
MGN-Net: A novel Graph Neural Network for integrating heterogenous graph population derived from multiple sources.
Quantifying the Reproducibility of Graph Neural Networks using Multigraph Brain Data
Route finder in a multigraph for the city of Porto with A*,ALT and Genetic Algorithm implementations
A discrete math graph library
the python class for plotting different values with additional axis using ROOT framework
Directed Acyclic Graph with support for multiple connections between nodes using Ports (Directed Acyclic Multigraph)
Recommendation System by Using Factorized based matrix completion MGCNN+RNN
Turn any binary relation into a partial order relation with a minimized loss of information
JavaFX app for finding routes between two stations in the Boston Metro System.
Web app for finding routes between two stations in the Boston Metro System.
Hyper-, multi-, open-graphs backed by incidence matrices