There are 0 repository under stochastic-reaction-networks topic.
This repository includes Matlab codes/routines that were used in our manuscript entitled "Importance sampling for a robust and efficient multilevel Monte Carlo estimator for stochastic reaction networks" that can be found in this preprint:
Python wrapper for PACMENSL.
This repository contains the Python modules and scripts to reproduce the results in the paper "Catanach, Vo, Munsky. IJUQ 2020."
This repository contains the code used for the data modeling and analysis presented in Kalb, Vo et al. Scientific Reports 11, 2021.
Fortran implementation of the Krylov-FSP-SSA algorithm for solving the Chemical Master Equation.
Code to reproduce the numerical results in the manuscript, "Bayesian estimation of stochastic gene expression using multifidelity models "Huy D. Vo*, Zachary R. Fox, Ania A. Baetica, Brian E. Munsky.