There are 8 repositories under motif-discovery topic.
STUMPY is a powerful and scalable Python library for modern time series analysis
A Python library for detecting patterns and anomalies in massive datasets using the Matrix Profile
A Python 3 library making time series data mining tasks, utilizing matrix profile algorithms, accessible to everyone.
golang library for computing matrix profiles along with other time series analysis features
Time-series analysis using the Matrix profile in Julia
LoCoMotif is a time series motif discovery method that discovers variable-length motif sets in multivariate time series using time warping
Classify time series data using motifs discovered from Sequitur processing of SAX discretized data.
Bayesian Markov Model motif discovery tool version 2 - An expectation maximization algorithm for the de novo discovery of enriched motifs as modelled by higher-order Markov models.
Variational Auto Encoders for learning binding signatures of transcription factors
Yet Another Model Using Neural Networks for Predicting Binding Preferences of for Test DNA Sequences
PEnG-motif is an open-source software package for searching statistically overrepresented motifs (position specific weight matrices, PWMs) in a set of DNA sequences.
The matrix profile data structure and associated algorithms for mining time series data
An R package for de novo discovery of enriched DNA motifs (e.g. TFBS)
R package for the RNA Centric Annotation System (RCAS)
Motif discovery for DNA sequences using multiobjective optimization and genetic programming.
Structural Temporal Modeling to characterize temporal networks
:whale: :computer: Docker recipe for meme-suite
Time Series with Matrix Profile in Java
RNAelem is a tool for learning secondary structural motifs from a set of RNA sequences.
Estimating Phylogenetic trees using six microorganisms 16S rRNA gene with Unsupervised Learning, web based tools and Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis MEGA7
Webserver for motif discovery with higher-order Bayesian Markov Models (BaMMs)
Finding Network Motifs Using MCMC Sampling
Scripts for motif assessment for HOCOMOCO v10/v11.
A python package to compute clusters of sequence feature variant types (SFVTs) based upon user-selected subsequence.
Tensorflow and Keras implementation of RHSNet for recombination hotspot identification and quantification
CARTMAN: Co-occurrence Analysis of Repeating Transcription-factor Motifs And Networks