There are 0 repository under wikipathways topic.
Access to Biological Web Services from Python.
Python Client Package for WikiPathways
WikiPathways Database
Integration of pathway-related information from WikiPathways in BEL
Mapping WikiPathways to chromosomes
Ready-to-use curated genesets for cinaR
Bioclipse plugins for WikiPathways and PathVisio
Deposited R scripts allow to execute a complete RNA-seq Pipeline, starting from sequence reads (FASTQ files) to mapping/annotate the genome using a reference, to counts the number of reads for every gene. when raw counts are obtained, DESeq2 module permits to find differentially expressed genes (DEG) and to perform statistical analysis. The last module of the project allows you to use clusterprofiler in order to perform ORA and GSEA analysis (over-representation analysis and gene set enrichment analysis) using GeneOntology (GO), disease ontology (DO), KEGG, reactome eg...
Project to convert content of WPRDF into nanopublications.
Converts Reactome pathways to GPML format
Temporary repository of RDF of selected pathways from WikiPathways, supporting the Wikidata bot.
WikiPathways Summit Planning
This ebook has information about life science databases, their SPARQL endpoints, what information they hold, what data models they use, and how to query those.
#metawinterschool contribution by BiGCaT
R client package for the WikiPathways API.
KNIME nodes for WikiPathways.
Repository for code to create the Europe PMC external links
OpenAPI to extract information from WikiPathways.