There are 764 repositories under biological-expression-language topic.
📖 Generation and Applications of Knowledge Graphs in Systems and Networks Biology
A Python framework for integrating biological databases and structured data sources in Biological Expression Language (BEL)
Harmonizing pathway databases using Biological Expression Language (BEL)
Generate dynamic structural causal models from biological knowledge graphs encoded in the Biological Expression Language (BEL)
Notebooks demonstrating the usage of PyBEL and PyBEL Tools
A package for generating curation sheets for rationally enriching a BEL graph using INDRA and PyBEL
A BEL export of Hetionet (
A PyBEL extension for analyzing BEL graphs
An environment for curating, validating, and exploring knowledge assemblies encoded in BEL
The community homepage for the Biological Expression Language (BEL)
Curation of Neurodegeneration in Biological Expression Language (CONIB)
Guidelines and procedures for curation (manual and semi-automated)
Integration of pathway-related information from WikiPathways in BEL
Code, notebooks, and resources for exploring and analyzing mechanistic knowledge graphs about 'rona
Modeling heme pathogenicity and pathway dysregulation in the context of hemolytic disorders
Notebooks demonstrating the usage of Bio2BEL packages
My personal website, served at
A PyBEL extension for Jupyter notebooks
Git and continuous integration tools for PyBEL to assist in curating BEL
LaTeX source for "Bio2BEL: Integration of Structured Knowledge with Biological Expression Language"
A utility for loading data from repositories of BEL documents
Utilities for BEL resource files.