There are 1 repository under bvh-tree topic.
A physically based mesh renderer named Ada Path Tracer based on Taichi lang
Space partitioning structures visualization
Accelerated path tracing in pure Ruby
Ray Tracer implementation in C++, Random Sample AA, multi-threading, bvh acceleration, temporal denoising, soft shadows, and runtime comparisons on different CPUs
High-Performance Bounding Volume Hierarchy for Collision Detection and Ray Tracing in Dynamic Scenes
A GPU-accelerated offline PBR path tracer that can generate photorealistic images from glTF scene descriptions using techniques such as microfacet-based BSDF models, BVH & SAH, MIS, among others.
Using BVH and KD-Tree to speedup Ray tracing
Advanced Graphics project #1 for Utrecht University
Python module to import, parse and elaborate BVH files
A raytracer based on books of Peter Shirley with multithreading
Simple RayTraceer implemented using OpenCL and C++
Bounding Volume Hierarchy using 128bit simd