There are 2 repositories under hc-sr04 topic.
Minimalist library for Ultrasonic Module HC-SR04, PING))) and Seeed SEN136B5B to Arduino
A versatile and easy to use vehicle platform for hobby-grade projects
Library for measuring distance with the HC-SR04 UltraSonic Sensor, by utilizing temperature correction and multiple echo pins in parallel.
Arduino library for HC-SR04, HC-SRF05, DYP-ME007, BLJ-ME007Y, JSN-SR04T ultrasonic ranging sensor
Checks the level of your cistern using an ESP8266 a with a bunch of possible distance sensors (ultrasound, ToF)
A part of my graduation project that simulates the radar using hc-sr04 sensor on a rotating servo all connected to a raspberry pi
💠 51单片机 - 基于温度补偿的超声波测距系统
This class allows you to get datas from the HC-SR04 sensor easily in C++!
💧 Monitoring water tanker level using NodeMCU ESP8266 and HC-SR04P Ultrasonic Sensor and broadcasting it using a simple HTTP server inside NodeMCU ESP8266 and show data in an Android App
Water level monitor using open-source microcontrollers (Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32) and ultrasonic sensors HC-SR04 / JSN-SR04T and similar with Trigger and Echo signals. Arduino Core & ESP-IDF implementations. For ESP32 available also with FreeRTOS. ESP8266 and ESP32 support for Ultra Low Power deep sleep app. ESP32 available with PHY Ethernet LAN8720.
building simple radar using ESP8266 and servo motor MG 996R and HC-SR04
An ESP32 based water softener salt level sensor
Android Controller for Raspberry Pi
Arduino code for ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 with kalman filter implementation
Omnidirectional wheeled robot powered by Arduino Mega, Raspberry PI with ROS
Arduino radar emulator using ultrasonic sensor and servo motor. Python uses the serial port to read data from Arduino board and plots it in real-time to emulate a radar by approximating the distance of objects along the 180° axis of the servo motor
📏Make a digital ruler using an Arduino Uno, a four seven-segment display, and a HC-SR04 sensor.
Advanced arduino library for HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors.
Raspberry Pi Synth with Ultrasonic Sensors for input
Repository includes codes for popular NUCLEO board based on STM32 F103RBT6
Raspberry Pi Rust driver for the HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor.
This example shows how to use the LCD1602 I2C display and the HC-SR04 sensor with Raspberry Pi using a multi-threaded approach.
HC-SR04 vs Sharp IR GP2Y0A02YK0F vs VL53L0X
Ultrasonic Range Finder
Distance measurement using HC-SR04 and ATMEGA328p
Pico collects HC-SR04 sensor data and sends via MQTT
Indoor-outdoor system to clear people seated at the doorstep with loud sounds, Telegram notifications, and logs.
Zephyr RTOS driver for HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Ranging Module
Basic sensor alarm system made with ESP8266 and HC-SR04.