There are 2 repositories under pyserial topic.
Visualization of IMU orientation from quaternion or Euler angles with a rotating cube
Code for a CanSat or OBCs GUI ground station where different sensor data are displayed in real time. No sensors needed to try it.
A simple Python application for plotting and storing data in real time
Example code using asyncio, pyserial, and pyserial-asyncio
Python 8 Channel RS485 MODBUS RTU relay board type R421A08
Samsung modem commands over USB serial connection and secret dialer codes extracted from system packages
A more capable(*), modular terminal (* than pySerial's miniterm)
Cross Platform Serial programming on Linux and Windows Systems using Python and PySerial
This is a demo video from my personal project using Blender Game Engine, Flex Sensors, PySerial for Communication
GUI of Serial Port Communication based on PyQt5
Reader for the RADEX RD1212 and the RADEX ONE Geiger counters.
:computer: An ultra simple command line serial client
A Python module for simultaneous communication with multiple serial ports, based on pyserial module
Script for fetching YouTube statistics from the API and sending them to a split-flap display
Proyecto de control de trafico e intercepción de semáforos inteligentes.
Arduino radar emulator using ultrasonic sensor and servo motor. Python uses the serial port to read data from Arduino board and plots it in real-time to emulate a radar by approximating the distance of objects along the 180° axis of the servo motor
MPU6050 reading and plotting with python
This repo consists of an introductory course on embedded programming and IoT Development using Python which was a part of a workshop in Pycon Tanzania 2020
A Rubik's cube solving bot using computer vision which uses unsupervised learning to detect colors
A GUI to connect with ESP32 devices and write firmware to the ESP32 flash.
This repository contains essential codes for the following instructable
Notification system that will inform you of the whereabouts of your loved ones.
A fastapi wrapper of babca / python-gsmmodem for a waveshare sim7600x. Not an exact copy of the 'python-gsmmodem' so be sure to uninstall that lib or venv to run | Open-source Twilio with LLM batteries
Serial Communication Python Class. CUI and GUI both are available.
USSD sender/decoder with AT Commands - PySerial - python environment
A live graphical user interface for the dyClamp sketch
Scripts to extract, process and plot data from various equipment present in our photonics lab. Highly WIP.