There are 1 repository under wiringpi topic.
:key: Control your MFRC522 RFID Module with your Raspberry-pi and JavaScript
Provides complete managed access to the popular wiringpi C library
Parallel TFT Shield Library for wiringPi
Homebridge Raspberry Pi GPIO Platform (API 2) Plugin - using WiringPi as a backend
Banana Pi M2 zero with OV5640, WiringPi and OpenCV image.
Raspberry Pi Adjust Fan Speed With Temperature [C - WiringPi - Pigpio - Noctua PWM Fan]
This Python script was created for the purpose to control a PWM FAN Noctua NF-A4x20 5V, using Raspberry Pi 4B hardware features. The script use WiringPi-Python as a dependecy, it is used to set Hardware PWM value clock as 25Khz that was specified by Intel (c.f. “4-Wire Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Controlled Fans”, Intel Corporation September 2005, revision 1.3), to read the FAN speed using the tachometer, it is read by using Hardware provided interruption pin. Using Hardware feature use less CPU to execute the work, avoiding to use Raspberry Pi CPU resource only to control the FAN speed.
Deprecated - Nodejs C++ plugin, allowing to easily read data from raspberryPi's sensors.
Drivers and home automation projects for Raspberry PI.
This class allows you to get datas from the HC-SR04 sensor easily in C++!
Linux ARM: development platform for PlatformIO
:hand: Driver for Metec Braille-line 20 Cell module for Arduino & Raspberry PI
Raspberry pi GPIO controller package(CGO)
QN8035 based Raspberry Pi FM radio receiver
A Haskell binding to the wiringPi library, for using GPIO on the Raspberry Pi.
Binding to the WiringPi library
An clock which displays on a 64x32 LED display. Shows the current time, date, weather, and next 24 hours of temperature.
A systemd unit template that does things when gpio events happen.
A Python and wiringpi based LoRa receiver for RaspberryPi 3
Automated chicken coop with a raspberry pi and 5V relays
RC Blimp using Raspberry Pi and Explorer pHat
DHT22 sensor on Raspberry Pi with WiringPi
Adding Qt Signals & Slots to WiringPi
An easy-to-use library for BNO055 9-Axis inertial measurement unit of BOSCH company, for Raspberry pi using Wiring-Pi Library!
Once I want to make sure there are eight magnet balls inside my cubes.
This repo contains packages for wiringpi and i2ctools / python-smbus for use in OpenWRT / Raspberry Pi
a really simple automatic cooling program for the Raspberry Pi, written in C.