There are 1 repository under hc-sr04-ultrasonic-sensor topic.
💧 Monitoring water tanker level using NodeMCU ESP8266 and HC-SR04P Ultrasonic Sensor and broadcasting it using a simple HTTP server inside NodeMCU ESP8266 and show data in an Android App
A bot which can move without colliding with any walls with the help of HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors.
It is a small project, here series of led light up depeing upon the position of the object.
Codigo (e bibliotecas uteis) para robos arduino, originalmente feitos para OBR 2022
Basic sensor alarm system made with ESP8266 and HC-SR04.
Recycling Pioneers project to create smart bins for McGill University. Code for the ESP32 microcontrollers in each bin.
Robô que desvia de obstáculos com algoritmo de evasão
Lesson Plan and Code for a Maker-Space Arduino class 2023
It is a simple tutorial on how to create little a security device using an Arduino.
It can follow humans or moving objects with the help of HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor, Can be used as a nanny bot for kids or to carry heavy baggage without support.
HCSR04 library for embedded system using Rust Language
Make distance sensor with Arduino!
Arduino theremin midi controller - turns readings from HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor into MIDI messages sent via USB to DAW software (e.g. Logic or Ableton). Written in C++ (website: React/Typescript).
Ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 with STM32 using Timer input capture.
KelvinThomasYB17/VGA-Radar-sensor-using-VHDL-and-NIOS II
A simple interupt driven ultrasonic driver for the Raspberry Pi Pico in C
Circuito simples para contar flexões de braço utilizando sensor ultrassônico HC-SR04 numa placa Arduino Uno, com display indicando contagem e LEDS coloridos para o "Abaixo e Acima" dos treinamentos físico militar. Chega de dar o golpe antigão.
In this Prototype Raspberry-pi based Home Automation Project. Inthis Project Multiple Sensors are interfaced with pi-3b+ to give Automated Security Output for a Home or Private Property.
A lite weight Driver written in Micro python that helps quickly use the HC-SR204 sensor to use in Projects
Arduino sounds a buzzer if the Tesla is in the garage but not plugged in.
SimpleUltrasonic Arduino Library: A simple and efficient library for calculating distance data from the HC-SR04 sensor without dependencies.
Implement a system that reduces accidents and keep the driver safe by detecting drowsiness ,yawning and seatbelt to alert the driver and by being able to control the car and park it in case the driver stays asleep or unconscious.
Implement system for seatbelt and drowsiness detection depending on image processing and Embedded systems. The system could alert drivers to wake up and self-park in case of deep sleep.
This Repository contains the Arduino IDE Code for Interfacing Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 with Arduino. This project is a part of Detailed Explanation of Project with diagrams and flowchart can be found with the link attached
MicroPython script for person detection using Raspberry Pi Pico and HC-SR04
smart trash can
Contains sensor module examples with Arduino. These examples include BMP180-PressureMeasurement, HCSR04-DistanceMeasurement and Keypad-Example.
Geek Factory ultrasonic sensor library designed for cheap and readily available sensor modules such as the HC-SR04 and Ultrasonic Grove sensor module.
Arduino Project
Bring a Child to Work Day 2024
A simple program to find the distance using UltraSonic sound with HC-SR04 sensor
Using ultrasonic sensor to measure liquid level and volume inside a set size container.
Project interaktif yang menghubungkan Python dan Raspberry Pi untuk otomasi, sensor pintar, dan kontrol perangkat secara real-time.