There are 21 repositories under udacity-nanodegree topic.
:mortar_board: List of Udacity Nanodegree programs with links to the free courses in their curricula
Projects done in the Data Engineering Nanodegree by
My personal notes, presentations, and notebooks on everything Deep Learning.
All projects and lecture notes of the Udacity Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree.
Data Structures & Algorithms Nanodegree Program from Udacity
Course projects for the Sensor Fusion Nanodegree program on Udacity.
:loop: :bulb: My Udacity projects that I have made to improve my skills and complete my nanodegree. Please don't use it to copy the projects. Submit the PR if you want something to be added to this repository.
Introduction to Computer Vision (Udacity Course)
An implementation of the Deep Knowledge Tracing (DKT) using Tensorflow 2.0
Tutorials and my solutions to the Udacity NLP Nanodegree
List of iOS Udacity Nanodegree programs with links to the free courses in their curricula
Final Project of the Udacity AI Programming with Python Nanodegree
Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree program (FSND) course materials
The road so far on Udacity Blockchain Developer Nanodegree
🎓 Udacity Nano Degree Android Projects. All Needed projects you can check out my work here. Submitted and accepted projects.
A repo for the live coding portion of my full stack Javascript Developer Nanodegree sessions
This repo includes all the projects I have finished in the Udacity Nanodegree programs
The course is contained knowledge that are useful to work on deep learning as an engineer. Simple neural networks & training, CNN, Autoencoders and feature extraction, Transfer learning, RNN, LSTM, NLP, Data augmentation, GANs, Hyperparameter tuning, Model deployment and serving are included in the course.
This repositary contain all my exercises and projects of Udacity Computer Vision Nanodegree Program
Projects created from Udacity's Data Analyst Nanodegree
Learn to detect obstacles in lidar point clouds through clustering and segmentation, apply thresholds and filters to radar data in order to accurately track objects, and augment your perception by projecting camera images into three dimensions and fusing these projections with other sensor data. Combine this sensor data with Kalman filters to perceive the world around a vehicle and track objects over time.
My project work and study notes for the Mobile Web Specialist Nanodegree by Udacity
Projects of Udacity Blockchain Developer Nanodegree
This repository contains files for Udacity's Machine Learning Nanodegree Project: Boston House Price Prediction
Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree Advanced Lane Finding Project. Identifying lanes using edge detection (Sobel operator, gradient of magnitude and direction, and HLS color space), camera calibration and unwarping (distortion correction and perspective transform), and polynomial fitting for the lanes.
:sparkling_heart: A curated list of awesome resources for Udacity's MWS ND :sparkling_heart:
Intro to Self-Driving Cars program, where I apply my Python and C++ skills with matrices, calculus, computer vision and machine learning to solve self-driving car problems. Key projects included implementing and using sensor data to reconstruct vehicle trajectories. I achieved a very high accuracy in a machine learning project.
Sensor Fusion and Localization related projects of Udacity's Self-driving Car Nanodegree Program:
This project focuses on best practices of object-oriented programming, AWS AI Services, AWS DeepLens, AWS DeepRacer, and AWS DeepComposer.
Computer Vision and Machine Learning related projects of Udacity's Self-driving Car Nanodegree Program
An AWS Sagemaker Model developed for Nudity / NSFW Images Classification. This Model was developed during my Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree.
Udacity Flying Car Nanodegree - Term 1 - Project 3 - 3D Quadrotor Controller
This repository is MLP implementation of classifier on MNIST dataset with PyTorch
My solutions to the projects assigned for the Udacity Computer Vision Nanodegree
Project work for the Udacity Data Analyst Nanodegree