There are 4 repositories under stm32cube topic.
This repo describes all STM32 MCU related GitHub projects. The open source offer for the STM32 MCU products
FP-AUD-SMARTMIC1 provides a firmware running on STM32 which acquires audio signals of four digital MEMS microphones, elaborates them by means of embedded DSP libraries and streams the processed audio to both an USB host and a loudspeaker connected to the relevant expansion board.
All CMSIS and HAL code for the STM32 microcontrollers bundled together in one repository.
Ready To Install Packs For STM32CubeMX and STM32CubeIDE
Aircraft Battle Game implemented with STM32F103RC
The X-CUBE-IOTA1 is an expansion software package for STM32Cube. The software runs on the STM32 and includes the middleware for enabling the IOTA Distributed Ledger Technology.
X-CUBE-FREERTOS (FreeRTOS™ software expansion for STM32Cube) provides a full integration of the FreeRTOS™ kernel in the STM32Cube environment for a set of STM32 series of microcontrollers.
Generic driver for EEPROMs using STM32Cube HAL
FP-AUD-AEC1 STM32Cube Function Pack for Acoustic Echo Cancellation is a specific example fully focused on Acoustic Echo Cancellation and provides an implementation of a USB smart speaker use case with microphone.
Sample code based on STM32F746G-Discovery kit
Micro-ROS-based firmware for the LeoCore controller running inside Leo Rover.
X-CUBE-BLE2 is an expansion software package for STM32Cube. The software runs on the STM32 and includes drivers for BlueNRG-2 and BlueNRG-2N Bluetooth Low Energy devices.
The X-CUBE-GNSS1 is an expansion software package for STM32Cube. The software runs on the STM32 and includes drivers for Teseo-LIV3F device for positioning.
Com-Stack for CAN using the "STM32Cube Expansion Pack" system.
STM32L051K8T BaseBoard with RFM69HW and external Flash memory with support for PlatformIO
Rosserial based firmware for the LeoCore controller running inside Leo Rover.
An Implementation of An Elevator
A small set of helper functions for integrating a STM32 CubeMX project with CMake.
Small STM32G0 board, with OLED display and I2C
Clone of STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.24.0 from ST
Initial setup for STM32F207 with Freertos that blink two leds in NUCLEO-F207ZG using Visual Studio Code
Easy to use library to use DS1302 RTC module written for STM32CubeHAL
C++ library for APA102 led pixel tape controller using cube HAL.