There are 3 repositories under bachelor-thesis topic.
Web Based Video Editor Using MLT Framework, Bachelor thesis
Bachelor thesis project. A DICOM Viewer written in C++, QT and VTK.
A LaTeX template for term paper, bachelor or master thesis for "FOM University of Applied Sciences"
A large-scale real-world terrain renderer written in Rust using the Bevy game engine.
The 3D Public Transport Simulator is a Unity-based simulation, which uses OpenStreetMap data in order to support the simulation of worldwide locations. The development was part of a Bachelor thesis.
北京邮电大学本科生毕设论文 Typst 模板。Typst template for dissertations in Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT).
EiTI Szablon MGR INŻ Autor: Piotr Woźniak
LaTeX Vorlage für eine Bachelor/Masterarbeit.
LaTeX - Template for a bachelor/master thesis
Naive LaTex Template For Soochow University Thesis 苏州大学Latex 模板,适用于本科生、硕士生和博士生毕业论文以及日常论文写作
Easily configurable LaTeX template for bachelor theses
Extensive LaTeX template that can be used for Master's and PhD thesis.
Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) LaTeX Thesis Template
The source code for my bachelor's thesis "Abstractive Summarization of Meetings"
INOFFICIAL template for a bachelorthesis at the HSRM
Dies ist eine ungebrandete Version meiner LaTeX-Vorlage, die meine Studenten für Projekt- und Abschlussarbeiten ausgehändigt bekommen. Verbesserungspotenzial besteht immer, weshalb dies auch WIP ist. Viel Erfolg und Spaß beim Verwenden meiner Vorlage. Works best with Overleaf (Über eine dankende Erwähnung freue ich mich LB Fabian Wein (M.Eng.) )
My Bachelors Thesis, combining linear programming and a React.js interface to make basic microgrid planning approachable
Graph clustering and Node embeddings with word2vec
Custom 64-bit pipelined RISC processor
Examples of different Siamese Neural Networks architectures applied to well-known datasets.
Mein persönliches LaTeX Template für die Erstellung von Seminar-, Bachelor- oder Masterarbeiten an der Hochschule München.
LaTex master thesis templates that allow quick publishing as well as custom design.
Bachelor thesis "Superpixel Segmentation using Depth Information", including a thorough comparison of several state-of-the-art superpixel algorithms.
An implementation of scoped algebraic effects and handlers in Agda.
Metrics for evaluating the performance and complexity of computer programs
My Bachelor's Thesis, in Czech
A 3D simulation of natural processes within a small ecosystem, such as evolution and natural selection.
Implementing a Denoising Diffsuion Probabilistic Model (DDPM) on Tensorflow from scratch for Pokémon sprites synthesis
strace2seccomp - generates libseccomp policies from strace logs
A LaTeX starter project with UniBG thesis guidelines and first page
Markdown (Pandoc) Template für Abschlussarbeiten
A LaTeX Skeleton for a Bachelor Thesis at HAW Hof (Hochschule fuer angewandte Wissenschafften Hof).
My bachelor thesis - goelocation for wireless sensor networks based on RSSI.
Mango Messenger Bachelor's Thesis