There are 4 repositories under xelatex topic.
上海交通大学 LaTeX 论文模板 | Shanghai Jiao Tong University LaTeX Thesis Template
Zhejiang University Graduation Thesis LaTeX Template
国家自然科学基金申请书正文(面上项目)LaTeX 模板(非官方)
A LaTeX / XeLaTeX / LuaLaTeX PhD thesis template for Cambridge University Engineering Department (CUED)
A LaTeX template for academic monographs (e.g., dissertations and thesis). This template serves both beginners and proficient LaTeX users.
上海交通大学 Beamer 模版 | Beamer template for Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Template for a simple resume or curriculum vitae (CV), in XeLaTeX.
Latex CV template built with Font Awesome.
Шаблон LaTeX для оформления отчетов о НИР, расчётно-пояснительной записки к курсовым и дипломным работам (ГОСТ 7.32-2017 и ГОСТ РВ 15.110-2003).
[停止维护 请使用note286/xduts]西安电子科技大学研究生学位论文XeLaTeX模板
LaTeX/XeLaTeX templates for academic publications: articles, dissertations, posters, and bachelor’s/master’s theses
sthlmNord is a LaTeX Beamer slide deck theme inspired by the arctic north blueish colour palette of Nord. The code base is HEAVILY influenced by hsrmbeamer and mtheme. WIP
Collection of customizable CV & cover letter LaTeX templates
🎓 Unofficial LaTeX templates for your graduate thesis (both master's theses and doctoral dissertations) at National Taiwan University. 國立臺灣大學碩博士學位論文 LaTeX 模板
Easy and full-automated markdown setup for technical documents.
Overview of different methods to build LaTeX with GitHub Actions or Travis-CI (idea by @jackolney but completely rewritten by @PHPirates and contributors).
Template de informe en LaTeX para tareas y trabajos
Opinionated tips for writing and typesetting a diploma thesis on FIT ČVUT (Czech)
Compile Tex files easily
A sound and versatile pandoc LaTeX boilerplate to produce academic books using Markdown files featuring YAML, KOMA-Script, BibLaTeX and CSL
General purpose themes for converting markdown to pdf using pandoc
ترجمة لدرس تعلّم البرمجة بلغة السي الخاص بموقع OpenClassrooms
🧾 A utility for running LaTeX subprocesses in Node.