There are 1 repository under hse topic.
Материалы курса по компьютерной лингвистике Школы Лингвистики НИУ ВШЭ
Data Structures and Algorithms Coursera Specialization from UC San Diego and HSE
НИС "Методологии разработки ПО", ФКН ВШЭ, Старичков Н.Ю.
Easily configurable LaTeX template for bachelor theses
Solved programming exercises from the Advanced Machine Learning specialization by National Research University on Coursera.
НИС "Методологии разработки ПО", ФКН ВШЭ, Старичков Н.Ю., Крахмалёв Д.С.
SAT-solver based on resolution method in 2-CNF using PLY
Simple verilog project with ability to connect to GPS module using UART and parse NMEA coordinates using finite state machine
This repository offers studies & implementations of several point-querying algorithms in a 2D plane. The algorithms' performance is benchmarked and compared against one another.
Advanced Machine Learning Coursera Specialization from Yandex and HSE
Telegram bot and service for HSE Military Training Center.
This system allows you to independently create and then combine the implementation of any format of real numbers and a set of benchmarks for testing the performance and correctness of calculations of the implementation in question. Posit (unum), float and bfloat tested.
CAD for automatically configuring FPGA "Marsohod"
Neural Network model for English alphabet recognition. Deep learning engine - PyTorch
Курс по машинному обучению от ВШЭ и ШАД на Coursera
Telegram Bot for Higher School of Economics - Internatiоnal Cоllege of Ecоnоmics and Finanсe that helps students with studying
Implementation of Hopfield network using Verilog
Emotive Insight neural interface Performance Metrics software
The Robotic Operating System was installed on the Nvidia Jetson Nano board, and a project was launched that demonstrates the computing power of this board, as well as its peripheral control capabilities. The well-known game “Rock, Scissors, Paper” was chosen as such a project. At the same time, the board recognizes the gesture shown by the player through the information received from the webcam, demonstrates its own random gesture on a manipulator printed on a 3D printer that simulates a human hand.
Terasic Servo Motor Kit (SMK) usage examples
This is an earmuff detector that uses video streams from CCTV cameras in workplaces to detect whether or not a person in the video is wearing earmuffs.
Matrix base operations on FPGA example