There are 1 repository under rgb-depth-image topic.
Give me a star please. This document contains instructions/notes on how to install the Azure Kinect camera. Here I collected experiences that have arisen during the development of the following software for Azure Kinect DK camera: AK_ACQS Azure Kinect Acquisition System AK_SM_RECORDER - Azure Kinect Standalone Mode AK_FRAEX - Azure Kin
Final project titled "Point Cloud Segmentation and Object Tracking using RGB-D Data" for the Machine Vision (EE 576) course.
Images from an RGB-D camera are used to detect/classify objects in 2D, then detections are projected on the 3D point cloud.
AK_VIDEO_ANALYZER that analyses videos on which to automatically detect apples, estimate their size and predict yield at the plot or per hectare scale using the appropriate simulated algorithms.
AKFruitData - AK_FRAEX: Tool for extracting frames from video files produced with Azure Kinect cameras. RGB-D camera, Data acquisition, Data extraction, Fruit yield trials, Precision fruticulture.
AKFruitData - AK_SM_RECORDER. Azure Kinect single mode recorder.
Mapping of ROS environment with a RGB-D camera mounted on a robot
implementation of Unsupervised single image depth prediction with CNNs
AKFruitData - ak_acquisition_system is a software solution for data acquisition in fruit orchards using a sensor system boarded on a terrestrial vehicle. It allows the coordination of computers and sensors through the sending of remote commands via a GUI.
AKFruitYield: AK_SW_BENCHMARKER Azure Kinect Size Estimation & Weight Prediction Benchmarker.
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation through Inter-modal Rotation and Jigsaw Puzzle assembly for RGB-D Object Recognition
AKFruitData. This repository contents source code of two applications presented in the article at the time of its publication in SoftwareX Journal.
This is an unofficial Python demo of the Self-Supervised Label Generator (SSLG), presented in "Self-Supervised Drivable Area and Road Anomaly Segmentation using RGB-D Data for Robotic Wheelchairs. Our SSLG can be used effectively for self-supervised drivable area and road anomaly segmentation based on RGB-D data".