There are 1 repository under inverse topic.
CVPR 2022 - derender3d: A method for de-rendering a 3D object from a single image into shape, material, and lighting, that is trained in a weakly-supervised fashion relying only on rough shape estimates.
This project aims to recreate standard inverted mouse cursors in Windows 10/11 with a more modern design
Immutable JSON patch with support for reverting operations
EEG inverse solution with artificial neural networks. This package works with MNE-Python data structures for easy integration into your MNE-based M/EEG code
Micro Linear Algebra Package
🦄 Lightweight reverse utility around strings, arrays, numbers and more.
Kinematic redundancy resolution for replicating natural posture of human arm by performing constrained muscle-effort minimization (considering wrist pose and range of joint motion) with a human arm musculoskeletal model and OpenSIM C++ API.
MIDict (Multi-Index Dict) can be indexed by any "keys" or "values", suitable as a bidirectional/inverse dict or a multi-key/multi-value dict (a drop-in replacement for dict in Python 2 & 3).
This project implements a new algorithm for complex matrix processing required by Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolSAR) using C/C++ and Open Computing Language (OpenCL)
Forward and Inverse Kinemactics of a manipulator in 2D (plane) and 3D (space)
Official implementation of "Future trajectory prediction via RNN and maximum margin inverse reinforcement learning" presented at ICMLA 2018
Stewart Platform Class repository
Neural Network Optimization (NNO) algorithm
A high-level EEG Python library for all kinds of EEG inverse solutions
Create polygons (arrays of vertices) from input PNG sprites
Converts back a yargs argv object to its original array form
A fast, deep residual neural networks based method of mapping both synthesized and real faces into corresponding latent representations
A matrix library for JavaScript with ability to calculate determinants, inverse, RREF and perform other simple matrix operations.
inverse 2d FFT using Openframeworks
ARA: Grasshopper plugin for AIXD toolkit
Computing the optimized values using Simplex method
A library for creating and managing invertible functions and type-safe pipelines in TypeScript.
Geodetic calculator (Geodetic tasks - direct and inverse; conversions between Geodetic, ECEF, ENU, AER, SK-42; Bursa-Wolf 7-parameters ECEF to ECEF)
Stewart Platform Singularities Generation repository
Sometimes we want to ”reverse” a Markov Chain process. Taking the inverse of the transition matrix allows this to work, but the inverse result is not a transition matrix. If I wanted to model a population going to work, and then going back home, negative and greater than 1 probabilities in the inverse matrix will cause issues. I propose a method to compute the ”inverse” of a transition matrix, and the result is still a transition matrix
C++ CUDA-compatible template class that provides an interface for generic purpose matrix related algorithms and computations. Includes Matlab-like functions. This is mainly an example of how to use CUDA code with C++. Don't expect such high performance.
A professional, comprehensive and high-performance library for you to manipulate matrices.
Fréchet distribution.
Fréchet distribution cumulative distribution function (CDF).
Inverse gamma distribution mode.
Inverse gamma distribution variance.
Laplace distribution quantile function.
Normal distribution quantile function.
Compute the arccotangent (in degrees) of a double-precision floating-point number.