There are 6 repositories under distribution topic.
The toolkit to pack, ship, store, and deliver container content
C++高性能分布式服务器框架,webserver,websocket server,自定义tcp_server(包含日志模块,配置模块,线程模块,协程模块,协程调度模块,io协程调度模块,hook模块,socket模块,bytearray序列化,http模块,TcpServer模块,Websocket模块,Https模块等, Smtp邮件模块, MySQL, SQLite3, ORM,Redis,Zookeeper)
Simplify deployments in Elixir with OTP releases!
🛠 Python project template generator with batteries included
The basic distribution probability Tutorial for Deep Learning Researchers
A Suricata based IDS/IPS/NSM distro
开源自部署移动应用、 macOS、Linux 和 Windows 应用分发平台,提供 iOS、Android SDK、fastlane 等丰富组件库 | Self-hosted Beta App Distribution for Android, iOS, macOS, Linux and Windows apps
:package: Gradle/Maven plugin to package Java applications as native Windows, MacOS, or Linux executables and create installers for them.
Wrap your application in a BEAM Burrito!
An awesome curated knowledge-base about atomic systems
万岳同城外卖(food delivery) 系统开源版,前端uniapp+后台php搭建,系统包含商家端、配送端、用户端以及总管理后台、城市配送后台
VIP cheatsheets for Stanford's CME 106 Probability and Statistics for Engineers
Share content between your websites.
This Raspberry Pi distribution for managing Klipper 3D printers with Mainsail provides all you need.
Mirrorbits is a geographical download redirector written in Go for distributing files efficiently across a set of mirrors.
Javascript Pure Implementation of Statistical R "core" numerical
:art: Extended rTorrent distribution with a fully customizable canvas and colors, other feature additions, and complete docs.
A library of statistical distribution sampling and transducing functions
Open movies everywhere
暹罗点餐是一款Java餐饮点餐系统,适用于多门店的连锁品牌,对标蜜雪冰城、瑞幸咖啡。该系统包含用户端、商家端、配送端以及总管理后台,美食下单、外卖配送、连锁餐饮和扫码点餐等核心功能,同时提供积分商城、会员中心和邀请好友注册返现等增值服务,以拓展客源。基于 Spring Boot + MyBatis Plus + Vue & Element + uni-app 技术栈进行开发;
Simple and lightweight source-based multi-platform Linux distribution with musl libc.
NFT distribution with (1) randomized, multi-winner raffles and (2) bulk on-chain metadata generation.
A much more elaborate replacement for removed Python's `platform.linux_distribution()` method
PKE is an extremely simple CNCF certified Kubernetes installer and distribution, designed to work on any cloud, VM or bare metal.
Modern protobuf package management