There are 1 repository under genetic-epidemiology topic.
A statistical test of pleiotropic effect of a genetic variant on two traits using GWAS summary statistics
metaUSAT is a data-adaptive statistical approach for testing genetic associations of multiple traits from single/multiple studies using univariate GWAS summary statistics.
A curated list (with links) of useful tools for genome-wide association analysis.
This repository is my collection of pipelines for basic GWAS analysis, written in R to simplify, please cite original tools/approaches referred in the pipelines.
mvtests: a suite of functions for testing genetic associations of multiple traits (a.k.a. cross-phenotype associations)
USAT uses a data-adaptive weighted score-based test statistic for testing association of multiple continuous phenotypes with a single genetic marker.
Joint meta-analysis of 2-df gene and gene-environment tests in GWAS.
POM-PS tests for genetic associations of secondary traits from case-control GWAS.
public interactive website layered on top of RABV-GLUE / NCBI-RABV-GLUE projects.