There are 0 repository under gene-set-enrichment topic.
Python library to handle Gene Ontology (GO) terms
A Snakemake workflow and MrBiomics module for performing genomic region set and gene set enrichment analyses using LOLA, GREAT, GSEApy, pycisTarget and RcisTarget.
mulea - an R package for enrichment analysis using various ontologies and empirical false discovery rate
Julia implementation of the next generation GSEA 🏔️
Pandas API for multiple Gene Set Enrichment Analysis implementations in Python (GSEApy, cudaGSEA, GSEA)
Flexible gene set enrichment analysis
This package implements the Ensemble of Gene Set Enrichment Analyses (EGSEA) method for gene set testing.
Package to gather gene information, annotations, and functions
Assessing dIfferential expression, dispersion, distribution analyses on TCGA tumour-normal RNA-seq datasets
Testing, development environment for a new project of KN BIBS
Experimental version of data package associated with chipenrich
GOpiscator is a command-line tool for performing gene set enrichment analysis using the Gene Ontology (GO) database.
GMT files for the mulea R package
condense GSEA terms