There are 1 repository under conjugate-gradient topic.
A large scale non-linear optimization library
MATLAB implementations of a variety of nonlinear programming algorithms.
Quantum Lattice Model Simulator Package
OptimKit: A blissfully ignorant Julia package for gradient optimization
Implementation of ConjugateGradients method using C and Nvidia CUDA
PyTorch implementation of Hessian Free optimisation
Library of High Precision Sparse Matrix Operations Accelerated by SIMD
PyTorch implementation of the Hessian-free optimizer
Improved version of real-time physics engine that couples FEM-based deformables and rigid body dynamics
DirectX 11 Poisson solvers using Jacobi iteration, conjugate gradient, and multi-grid method respectively.
Modern Fortran sparse linear systems solver
Density Functional Theory with plane waves basis, applied on a 'quantum dot'. Volumetric visualization of orbitals with VTK
A set of useful algebraic preconditioners for iterative numerical linear-algebraic methods.
Source code for the CPU-Free model - a fully autonomous execution model for multi-GPU applications that completely excludes the involvement of the CPU beyond the initial kernel launch.
Sparse matrix linear equation solver, using the Conjugate Gradient algorithm
A simple C++ library of Krylov subspace methods for solving linear systems
R Package for Unconstrained Numerical Optimization
Flexible, non-allocating Julia implementations of the CG and BiCGStab methods.
Coupled simulation of FEM continuum media and articulated rigid bodies
C++ Library of the Linear Conjugate Gradient Methods (LibLCG)
Matrix Market Suite
collection of numerical optimization methods
Implentation of Back Substitution, Conjugate Gradient and Gauss Seidel using OpenMP parallelization
Interfacing SIESTA to Lua scripts using the flook code
Optimization course assignments under the supervision of Dr. Maryam Amirmazlaghani
numerical optimization subroutines in Fortran generated by ChatGPT-4
Numerical solution of the three-dimensional Poisson equation via the incomplete Cholesky factorization conjugate gradient method
Real-space grid Density Functional Theory for large systems