There are 1 repository under smoothing-splines topic.
DIVAnd performs an n-dimensional variational analysis of arbitrarily located observations
Python class for creating and optimizing quadratic and cubic Bezier curves and path smoothing implementation.
METAgenomic LONgitudinal Differential Abundance method
Smoothing algorithm and interpolation tool using cubic Bézier splines - reproduces Excel's smooth scatter plot
Short implementation of a EGRSS matrix format including an application example in smoothing spline fitting.
Create a regression smoothing spline for a set of points.
Multivariate Normal Hermite-Birkhoff Uniform Smoothing Splines in Julia
Im Rahmen der Mental Health Surveillance (MHS) am Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) werden für eine Auswahl an Indikatoren der psychischen Gesundheit von Erwachsenen basierend auf Surveydaten Zeitreihen bestehend aus gleitenden Drei-Monats-Schätzern und Glättungskurven berechnet. Dadurch sollen Entwicklungen in der psychischen Gesundheit der erwachsene...
Performing different models on a dataset regarding National Park biodiversity and the number of visitors.
Please read the file
Houses a series of projects I worked on for a course in Data Mining that I took in my Ph.D. Data Science program at UTEP in the Fall of 2022. Covers areas such as Regularized Logistic Regression, Optimization, Kernel Methods, PageRank, Kernel PCA, Association Rule Mining, Anomaly Detection, Parametric/Nonparametric Nonlinear Regression, etc.
Nonparametric regression examples with R and Python
predicting house price using random forest model and smoothing spline model