There are 0 repository under nucleo-board topic.
🫁 The world's first open-source ventilator tested on human patients. Mass-producible at a low cost (~2000€).
EMBO - Scope for only $6. Embedded instruments: Oscilloscope, Logic Analyzer, Voltmeter, Counter, PWM and Signal Generator on STM32 MCUs (F1, F3, L4, G4 ....). PC app for Windows, Ubuntu and macOS. Firmware is in C, PC GUI app is in C++ Qt 5.
Secure Patching Bootloader and Firmware Update System for STM32 MCUs
Temperature Logger via PAHO MQTT uses ESP8266 and STM32 Nucleo Board
3D Printer controller board using STM32 NUCLEO-F446 kit TMC2130/2660/2209 drivers
Debugging tool for SPI devices, built for STM32 microcontrollers
Simple graphical ammeter based on INA219 current sensor, SSD1306 display and Nucleo-F070RB
GRBL ported on Cortex-M processors.
Simple examples for STM32 LL, HAL and LibOpenCM3
An example for EmbeddedProto on how to setup a project using makefiles.
Tinkering with WizNet W5500 Ethernet Chip using an STM32F030R8 Nucleo Board
3D Printer controller based on STM32F411 Nucleo board
This repository is a collection of my personal notes and projects related to STM32, GD32, and MG32 microcontrollers. It is organized into three main directories and may not be fully complete.
A project to read temperature of a heatsink by thermocouples and 3D visualize them on the computer
3D engine for STM32 microcontrollers
Rust boilerplate for the Nucleo-WL55JC2 development board.
This repository contains code for testing CAN bus communication on STM32 Nucleo-F446RE boards using MCP2515 and SN65HVD230 transceivers. It implements continuous multichannel ADC sampling via DMA, CAN message transmission between boards, and serial monitoring of CAN traffic and sensor data.
Basic embedded codes for Nucleo Board (STM32F767zi)
This project aims to develop an open-source educational robot, thus it can be programmed in different ways for beginners up to advanced programmers.
STM32F767ZI + X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 FREERTOS data acquisition subsystem providing gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer and barometric readings
NanoEdge AI Studio on Nucleo-32/64 with STM32CubeIDE
Software for Nextion display in Arduino IDE translate to System Workbench with settings from STM32CubeMX
RTOS projects on STM32F446RE (ARM CORTEX M4) Nucleo Microcontroller
Position control of a vehicle on a ramp using a Nucleo board with STM32F746-ZG, It was a project during 5th semester for course Microprocessor Systems (Systemy Mikroprocesorowe).
A 2 chs 100kHz digital oscilloscope working on stm32f4 board
The stm circuits established with the help of Proteus will be coded with the help of stm32cubeide.Also, embedded software samples were created using the Nucleo board/ Stm32G-474RE
An easy to read template project written in C and ARMv6 Assembly for STM32G0x1xx microcontrollers that includes a linker script, startup code and SYSCLK initialization
Here i post programs for STM Boards
An STM32 project for melody playback
SHT4x driver for STs Nucleo F103RB board with the X-NUCLEO-IKS02A1 shield