There are 3 repositories under blackpill topic.
BlackPill Core Board AT32F403ACGx(240Mhz,96kRAM/1024kROM)
An hardware USB Scribble Strip that supports the Mackie Control Protocol
I2S Arduino Library for STM32 Microcontrollers
Secure USB DFU1.1 bootloader for STM32 with STM32F4x1xE target fully compatible to STM32duino and PlatformIO
A demo for Zephyr RTOS to shows how to using a custom TTF Font with CFB sub-system to prints text on a small OLED screen.
STM32F401CCU6 based HID USB Mouse to Amiga Quadrature adapter.
Board definition for building MicroPython firmware for dev board WeAct STM32F411CEU6 (aka. Black Pill)
Example STM32F411 Black Pill STM32CubeIDE project utilizing the FreeRTOS command line example code
A powerful and fully customizable DIY Open Source Arduino Remote Controller (Transmitter and Receiver) powered by BlackPill STM32F411 microcontroller.
Project for STM32F411 (blackpill) using ws2812 ledstrip, written in Rust
This one is a full open design (electronics, pcb and firmware) of a PS/2 Keyboard adapter with USB console for use in MSX and other legacy computers - 15x8 matrix(BCD input - 8 bits "Low active" output).
Unified Hardware Abstraction Layer for a variety of different platforms.
The El Cantor HS keyboard is a 44 key diodeless split keyboard with support for hotswap sockets, designed with simplicity in mind.
A repository about ESP32, STM32, AVR and some examples of code
STM32 based device, that measure utilisation of 10" water filters
Power-One (ABB) Aurora pvoutput uploader for Black pill Arduino 1.8.19
HUI/MCU USB Interface for STM32 Blackpill
Lightweight universal PID controller library with Ziegler–Nichols auto tuning and variable cycle time
cantor-remix mx version
Examples of both a hard time based scheduler and a more general purpose task scheduler that runs in "user mode" without running any significant code in interrupt context. Useful for embedded systems with limited resources. Can be used inside other programs to manage internal processes. Examples provided for "Blue Pill" development environment, usable in many other cases.
WS2812 DMA library with low RAM needs. Up to 16 paralel outputs and thousands of LEDs on each of them
Source code for YouTube ARM Cortex-M series featuring STM32F411CE based WeAct 3.0 Black Pill board
Black Pill STM32F411 drivers from scratch. Without HAL or CMSIS.
A successsful attempt to run and debug an arduino project from within eclipse
Small demo firmware programs for "Black Pill" board with STM32F411CEU6 MCU using mbed. Each branch has a different demo project.
Using STM32 Black Pill with MPU 6050 accelerator sensor
Decoder for digital linear scale (Shahe SH2205A0633). Position values are converted to mm and displayed via serial USB prints.
STM32 Rubber Ducky (pentesting tool) bulit as a part of Embedded Systems course project at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham