There are 5 repositories under iterative-deepening-search topic.
A* written in C#, used with LINQ.
This repository contains implementation of different AI algorithms, based on the 4th edition of amazing AI Book, Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach
A strong chess engine made in c++
Solve the Fifteen Puzzle optimally with IDA* using different heuristics.
Swift implementation of the Sliding Puzzle game with Iterative Deepening A* AI Solver.
BFS, IDS, Greedy & A* applied to the 8-puzzle problem. :gear:
Different Searching algorithms (DFS, BFS, IDS, Greedy, A*) opting to find optimal path from source to destination
A simple chess engine written in C and parallelized using OpenMP
A superhuman chess engine written in Java.
Visualization for multiple searching algorithms.
Python program that solves the Missionaries and Cannibals problem, a toy problem in AI, with iterative deepening search.
Eclipse RCP chess app with an AI based on alpha-beta pruning & iterative deepening.
👁🗨🧠 Artificial Intelligence search project implementing IDS, Bidirectional BFS and A*.
A terminal implementation of the game Quoridor with an engine
La nostra soluzione per la Tablut Challenge 2022 ♟️ (Fondamenti di Intelligenza Artificiale M)
A servant robot trying to serve as fast as possible using A* algorithm.
Desktop app for visualizing graph search algorithms
DFS / BFS / IDS / UCS / Bi-directional / A* / IDA* / SMA* / ...
My projects/labs for Udacity Artificial Intelligence Nanodegree (April 2017 - present).
A sliding puzzle game and solver using ncurses.
This is an Artificial Intelligence project which solves the 8-Puzzle problem using different Artificial Intelligence algorithms techniques like Uninformed-BFS, Uninformed-Iterative Deepening, Informed-Greedy Best First, Informed-A* and Beyond Classical search-Steepest hill climbing.
3D chess game playable in a PvP or PvE mode. Implemented decent AI player for amateur gameplay. Developed a bug free chess engine. Implemented in C#, Unity Engine.
A comprehensive comparision of IDFS and IDA* in solving Rubik's Cube
An AI for a modified Reversi version. The AI works with a game server that manages the game (
A UCI-compatible Chess Engine written in C++20 with an Android and WearOS Interface
classical search algorithms are used in AI | AI course - Fall 2018
A UCI-compatible chess engine, capable of beating (most) human players.
Solving RGB Puzzle via State Space Search Algorithms
Three missionaries and three cannibals are on one side of a river, along with a boat that can hold one or two people. Find a way to get everyone to the other side without ever leaving a group of missionaries in one place outnumbered by the cannibals in that place.
A MinMax based Othello/Reversi AI for 8x8 & 10x10