There are 5 repositories under webworkers topic.
An experimental, comprehensive port of React Native to the web.
JS Expert Week 7.0 - 🙅🤏🏻 Controlling Streaming Platforms using Eye and Hand Detection 👁🖐
A new approach to Emacs - Including TypeScript, Threading, Async I/O, and WebRender.
A web only WYSIWYG note taking app that saves notes locally in markdown format. v2:
100% Vanilla Javascript Multithreading & Parallel Execution Library
⚡ Multithreading functions in JavaScript to speedup heavy workloads, designed to feel like writing vanilla functions.
Move a WebAssembly module into its own thread
Pulls the most common colors out of an image
Examples from my video about processing large reports in the browser without any backend
A simple, open source and free time tracking app ⏱️
Authentication library for the browser environment using Web Crypto API client inside a WebWorker thread
Apollo link that lets you use graphql client-side only, with a webworker as a "server" supporting normal queries and subscriptions
Making web workers, web sockets, WebRTC, and other web-based APIs first-class actors in `xstate`.
:necktie: An implementation of on-the-fly defined WebWorkers that are created inline using data URIs, rather than separate physical files — for the benefit of all humanity.
Three ways to use Comlink web workers through React Hooks (and in a typesafe manner).
Lazy web workers only work when someone is watching - in the UI thread!
《JavaScript Concurrency》英文版全书翻译 ->《JavaScript并发编程》,主要内容是Promises, Generators, Web Workers实现JavaScript并发编程相关
A tiny zero-configuration plugin for preloading tiles and smoothen the experience when using targeted movements in MapLibreGL JS.
A tensorflowJS Kanye West lyrics generator and data ingestion pipeline.
🧱 World leading open-source geometry engine in context of Implicit Surface Modelling, featuring sharp edges: Library for Geometric / Solid Modelling mesh generation slicing, and more, based on 🪐 Implicit Surfaces modelling. (Feel free to submit Pull Requests)
Minimalist serverless RSS reader (PWA, React, CouchDB, Web worker, Offline persistance, Docker)
Repositório com o código base para a aula de React Performance
Easily call Services in separate threads with WebWorkers and SharedWebWorkers. Run Blazor WASM in the ServiceWorker.
ORM for accessing indexedDB as a promise base api implementation.
Wrapper for Web Workers for easily running a function from the client without serving the worker a script
Web Workers Implementation, for heavy file splitting and uploading