There are 147 repositories under heroku topic.
30 days of Python programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn the Python programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than100 days, follow your own pace. These videos may help too:
🛠️⚡ Step-by-step tutorial to build a modern JavaScript stack.
Cookiecutter Django is a framework for jumpstarting production-ready Django projects quickly.
A self-hosted, ad-free, privacy-respecting metasearch engine
Web page PDF/PNG rendering done right. Self-hosted service for rendering receipts, invoices, or any content.
Bare metal to production ready in mins; your own fly server on your VPS.
Open-source live customer chat
Kubernetes powered PaaS that runs in your own cloud.
An index & manager of Onedrive based on serverless. Can be deployed to Heroku/Glitch/Vercel/Replit/SCF/FG/FC/CFC/PHP web hosting/VPS.
⚛️ Heroku Buildpack for create-react-app: static hosting for React.js web apps
(No longer maintained owing to the lack of sufficient free ss accounts)Python爬虫/Flask网站/免费ShadowSocks账号/ssr订阅/json 订阅
An advanced discord music bot, supports Spotify, Soundcloud, YouTube with Shuffling, Volume Control and Web Dashboard with Slash Commands support!
A free and self-hosted PaaS alternative to Netlify / Coolify / Vercel / Dokku / Portainer running on Kubernetes
Telegram Bot to store Posts and Documents and it can Access by Special Links.
Example project showing how to build a Spring Boot App providing a GUI with Vue.js
Django 5, React, Bootstrap 5 with Python 3 and Webpack project boilerplate
Free tier of Heroku Dynos, Postgres and Data for Redis will no longer be available after November 28, 2022. Let's find a list of services with a free plan that developers can use as an alternative to Heroku. Feel free to submit PRs and improve the list.
A fast directory-first photo gallery website, with rich UI, optimized for running on low resource servers (especially on raspberry pi)
🦠 A simple and fast (< 200ms) API for tracking the global coronavirus (COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2) outbreak. It's written in python using the 🔥 FastAPI framework. Supports multiple sources!
A simple Telegram userbot based on Telethon
Flask + Vue JS Template
A telegram bot that will give instant stream links for telegram files without the need of waiting till the download completes.
A heroku plugin for awesome pg:* commands that are also great and fun and super.
Heroku's classic buildpack for Node.js applications.
Aria/qBittorrent Telegram Mirror/Leech Bot.
Guides for learning + doing better web and app development. Created by Coding for Entrepreneurs.
My former app template for Rails 7. All recommendations you see here have been moved to