There are 0 repository under genbank-files topic.
create a interactive coverage plot dashboard from bam files and add gb, vcf and bed tracks
The most awful genbank file you'll ever need to parse.
This algorithm makes it possible to extract specific information from files in genbank format using regular expressions. When the file is processed, two files are generated, one in FASTA format and the other in tabular format (TSV), which are used to create the VirusMAPPER-linked databases.
[Python] Tool for calculating GC content of nucleotide sequences with optional sliding window analysis. Sequence input options include strings and the following file formats: FASTA, FASTA Nucleid Acid, GenBank, Aligned FASTA and ClustalW.
A simple Python script using Biopython to convert FASTA files to GenBank format. The script prompts the user for input and output filenames, along with the molecule type (default is DNA). Ensure accurate and annotated GenBank files for your biological sequence data.
Automatically rename fasta and genbank files to the species name mentioned in the file
Reverse and complement genebank files