There are 1 repository under fpgas topic.
Spatial: "Specify Parameterized Accelerators Through Inordinately Abstract Language"
HLS-based Graph Processing Framework on FPGAs
A simple Verilog SPI master / slave implementation featuring all 4 modes.
Provides Spatial with front-end support from popular machine learning frameworks
Code Examples explained in QCon-London 2020 about TornadoVM
FFTFPGA is an OpenCL based library for Fast Fourier Transformations for FPGAs. This repository provides OpenCL host code in the form of FFTW like APIs as well as OpenCL kernel designs that can be synthesized to bitstreams.
Division Algorithms in FPGAs
TMR utilities for the SpyDrNet project
Autotuning High-Level Synthesis for FPGAs, published @ ReConFig '17
Searching for Hardware Aware Neural Networks on ImageNet for FPGA in MobilenetV3 Search Space
Icestudio collection for capturing digital signals and show them on the LEDs
One could spend a lifetime studying only FPGAs. LabVIEW FPGA users need some FPGA background but not too much and not too little. Chapter 3 provides that information and resources for further reading. One of the largest public FPGA applications is Microsoft’s use of FPGAs in their data centers. Microsoft has published many YouTube videos on their development effort. Even though they did not use Xilinx or LabVIEW FPGA, the FPGA concepts are universal.
Jornada de Hardware Libre, 25-04-2017. Facultad de Ciencias de Granada.
Generation of logic designs for efficiently solving ordinary differential equations on FPGAs
Automated (post-)setup script for Intel's FPGA suite "Quartus Prime Lite" on Red Hat- and Debian-based Linux distros