There are 0 repository under geometric-shapes topic.
Generate SVG paths for geometric shapes :bar_chart:
:globe_with_meridians: Web demo using the Geometrize Haxe library to recreate images with geometric primitives
GeoGeometry is a set of algorithms and functions for manipulating geo hashes and geometric shapes with geo coordinates.
Simple polygon triangulation algorithms in pure python
This is a Geometrical library for Go Language. Which includes multiple Geometrical calculations like Circle, Lines etc in different forms
2D Geometric shapes generator
openFrameworks addon to create geometries composed by branches
a library to assist in the design of geometric designs
🧱 Library for Geometric / Solid Modelling based on 🪐 Implicit Surfaces modelling. (Feel free to submit Pull Requests)
Demo using Geometrize Haxe and HaxeFlixel to recreate images with geometric primitives
Generative Art inspired by Geometric Bauhaus/Swiss Design
Different patterns made with shaders
A 3D Fractal Sculpture Inspired by the Sierpinski Triangle
PIL wrapper to draw multiple geometric shapes in a single call
A simple Unreal Engine 4 that spawns points and lines in different patterns
Your data aggregrated into nicely shaped polygons for visual and tabular output.
Robust and corrected coefficients for the ROBIN body geometry
This C++ program showcases the concept of object-oriented programming through the implementation of two classes, Rectangle and Box. These classes represent geometric shapes and provide various functionalities related to their properties.
Implementation of some BILD commands as a Chimera extension, to work directly with them in the Chimera's command line
A collection of geometric art pieces. Alter numerous parameters to make new and interesting creations. Combines programming, crafted customizations and computer randomization. Creates videos and still images.
angular7 shapes drawer
📱 Android app for drawing geometric shapes
Using Serverless application to compute the characteristics of geometric shapes
A web based game for learning p5.Polar library
Python Script to Generate Geometrical Images
Documenting solutions to my triangle puzzle.
A tool for organizing figure elements with geometric constraints
Templates for Geometrize, recreating images using geometric primitives
A collection of Pattern Designs made using the Turtle Graphics Library in Python. Includes a Turtle Racing Game, colorful snake, geometric shapes and other patterns
Magic Animation Button