There are 1 repository under python-image-library topic.
PIL wrapper to draw multiple geometric shapes in a single call
Dot-matrix text recognition in Python via PyTesseract (based on Tesseract)
A text-to-Blissymbols translator in English and other supported languages.
A Keras model trained to recognize generated images of text and generalizes to recognize real life images of text
A multi-image gallery with image filtering.
A simple python Image viewer app using tkinter and PIL(pillow)
Based on the paper RED-Attack: Resource Efficient Decision-based Imperceptible Attack for Machine Learning
This Repo Helps You Start-Up With Image Processing Using Python
A desktop application for Psychological analysis. Developed in Python
Homemade green screen processor putting Shia LaBeouf in any photo.
This is all my Project that i'm made from Google IT Automation program.
Image processing basic techniques using python and open-CV
📷 Web application to visualize several different convolutions by using image kernels to apply effects such as sharpening, edge detection, blurring, and more!
Detection of COVID-19 Pneumonia from chest X-Ray images using ResNet-18.
A computer Vision Project
T-Rex Game or the NO INTERNET GAME, as it is one of the hidden Google games which originally can only be activated when you have no internet connection.
Bite Buddy is a web application that helps users find the total calories and macronutrient content of a meal using Streamlit and Google Gemini API
:black_square_button: Реализация на Питоне алгоритма поиска на изображении пустого прямоугольника максимальной площади.
Library that makes it possible to work in a concise, algebraic way with Python Imaging Library image objects.
Basic techniques for drawing with Pillow (aka PIL aka Python Imaging Library), numpy, scipy, and matplotlib.
Implementing the K-Means Algorithm for Image-segmentation and to build a Class_classifier for Linearly separable and non-linearly separable 2D Data.
Python class that transforms XMP and Exif metadata into a standardized Python dataclass data structure from a Pillow (PIL) source image.
World map in python
OpenCV é a principal biblioteca de código aberto para a visão computacional, processamento de imagem e aprendizagem de máquina, apresenta também a aceleração de GPU para operação em tempo real. Aqui vai uma demonstração da biblioteca, além de um tutorial curto para nosso aprendizado.
converting text to handwritten using PIL module in python
How to convert photo to sketch Python