There are 1 repository under dobot topic.
ROS 2 control stack for Dobot Magician educational manipulator.
A cross-platform low-level interface and high-level API for the Dobot Magician robotic arm written in Python 3
polman-ros-dobot. Developed in Bandung Polytechnic for Manufactruing (POLMAN) at Robotics Laboratory. Workspace Sourcecode for control and visualize Multiple Dobot Magician
Open source simulator that integrates Automation and Information Technologies, allowing to control the intelligent robot Dobot Magician Lite in a simulated way using Rust and Godot engine.
The goal of this project is to design a robotic arm that is able to react to its environment using computer vision. In order to prove the efficiency of this system, it will be applied on an athletic robotic arm that can play Ping-Pong against a human player.
DOBOT Magician을 활용한 로봇 팔 기기의 춤 동작 구현 프로젝트
A demo software to access basic functions of Dobot M1 written with Qt
Complete project to build a miniature city using two Dobot Magician instances
An easy-to-use library that enables the control of several Dobot arm-robots instances from an Arduino Mega board
DOBOT Magician library for Java and JavaFX
适用于DobotBlock和DobotLab的Scratch Json分析库, Header-only
A program for the dobot that cycles blocks between 2 conveyors.
Integração entre CLI e braço mecânico "Dobot Magician Lite" através de Python. | CLI integration with "Dobot Magician Lite" robot using Python 3
O conteúdo aqui presente aborda os códigos que foram utilizados durante o trabalho de graduação no Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia. Grupo CAN01 - Expedição automatizada de medicamentos em hospitais.
Running the DOBOT Magician from a BBC microbit