There are 5 repositories under vive topic.
Windows Feature Control GUI based on ViVe / ViVeTool
Create beautiful user interfaces for immersive VR/AR experiences.
Open Source Lighthouse Tracking System
A list of resources about the UI/UX considerations for VR.
:sunglasses: Create interactive 3D and VR web experiences for desktop, mobile & VR devices.
A toolkit that helps developing/prototyping VR apps.
Support hand controllers for Oculus, Vive, Windows Mixed Reality, Daydream, GearVR, and more by adding VRController to your existing Three.js-based WebVR project.
An in-browser implementation of JanusVR
🔁Web platform for building virtual reality experiences.
CentroUI is a library for building user interfaces for WebVR
RemixVR is a tool for collaboratively building customisable VR experiences.
Shared Reality: Observe a VR session from the same room using a HoloLens!
Mod installation scripts and other goodies to support Beat Saber on Linux
Stream Vimeo videos into WebVR.
A dirt cheap solution to enable haptic feedback on trackers in VRChat and Resonite
Mirror Android notifications to VR
🥕A curated collection of Virtual Reality Resources.
EasyOpenVRUtilは、Steam VR for Unityのちょっと足りないところを埋め合わせるためのライブラリです。特に、コントローラやトラッカーの座標を直接取得したり、非VRだけど位置情報は使いたいといった用途に向いています。その他あると便利な機能も実装しています。
Startpage and WebXR home
Moon Motion Toolkit - Free and open source toolkit for VR locomotion
Interface to OpenVR Input Emulator to translate any Direct Input controllers commands into VR Controller commands
FPS and Custom Values HUD for WebVR & THREE.js Projects
Teleport module for WebVR, THREE.js and VRController.js projects
Experimental VR Roller Coaster Builder And Theme Park Tycoon Game